Then, the body paragraphs should consist of events, experiences, and activities you have already organized in chronological order or order of importance. Make clear why one point follows another: each point in an outline should connect with the next. For example, each main category must be linked to the introduction or thesis, and each sub-category should be related to the central category. When structuring my outline, I must be able to see and recognize where there are holes in my essay.
Also, an outline should make sense on its own if structured appropriately; the ideas should follow logically in the order that you list them. As I add content to these main points, these words should support and reinforce the sense of the outline. For instance, the outline should conclude with an insightful thought or image. Make sure that the rest of your outline reinforces this conclusion. Unless you conscientiously impose structure around your ideas, your essay will be rambling and ineffective.
Finally, after focusing on all of the fundamental aspects of using the outline method when preparing to write an essay or research paper, the structure must be arranged in the appropriate order. As mentioned before, the outline may include some jotted down words, a thesis statement, or a topic sentence that is supported by concrete, detailed sentences. The purpose of an outline allows the reader to have a clearer perception of the writers’ standpoint regarding the topic or subject matter.