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Engelsk Terminspr Ve

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Engelsk Terminspr Ve
Delprøve 1.2
Nedenstående sætninger er fra novellen “Kiss and Tell” af John Sam Jones.
Angiv det understregede verballeds (udsagnsleds) tid og tag stilling til (sæt kryds), om hovedverbet (hovedudsagnsordet) er regelmæssigt eller uregelmæssigt. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi.
1. Seimon had decided it wasn’t easy being fourteen.
2. Seimon found him fascinating to watch;…
3. … in 2005 teachers were offered in-service training on how they could support gay and lesbian students in educational settings.
4. Seimon didn’t know what to say, or do.
5. “You’ll be suspended without prejudice pending further investigations,” Elery Clwyd said.
6. “He’s not gay; he’s going out with Anwen who plays the harp in assembly sometimes.”
7. “In a small country, especially, one that has recently gained some autonomy from its ruling neighbour, things can change quickly.”
8. “He’s not gay; he’s going out with Anwen who plays the harp in assembly sometimes.”

Besvarelse 1.2:
had decided
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)
(sæt kryds)

2. found Tid:
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)

(sæt kryds)
3. were offered
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)
(sæt kryds)

4. didn’t know
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)

(sæt kryds)
‘ll be suspended
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)
(sæt kryds)

6. plays Tid:
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)
(sæt kryds)

7. has gained
(sæt kryds)
(sæt kryds)

‘s going
Regelmæssigt (sæt kryds)

(sæt kryds)

Delprøve 1.3

I hver af nedenstående sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Ret fejlen, og forklar din rettelse. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.

Besvarelse 1.3:
Those affected with affluenza shows symptoms early in the “disease”.
Rettelse og forklaring:
Show - da der ikke bliver tilføjet –s I nutid 3. Person ental.

An overwhelmingly number of young Americans are shopaholics.
Rettelse og forklaring: Overwhelming – Da bioord ikke kan lægge sig til navneord.

Last year Americans spend large amounts on online shopping.
Rettelse og forklaring: Spent – da det er skrevet I datid.

The problems are caused by overcrowded prisons which facilities are worn down.
Rettelse og forklaring: Whose – da der er ejefald.

A countrys GDP generally reflects its level of wealth.
Rettelse og forklaring: Country’s – da der er tale om et lands GDP.

According to police statements, was the teenager speeding while under the influence of alcohol.
Rettelse og forklaring:

American sociologists are aware of that inequality is rising.
Rettelse og forklaring:

Growing numbers of British authors consider to publish their work online.
Rettelse og forklaring:

Delprøve 1.4
Du har lige modtaget den nyeste iPhone fra Smartcheatphone. Af firmaets hjemmeside fremgik det, at man ved køb inden den 1. august ville få et gratis cover. Du købte varen den 27. juli, men modtog intet cover. Du skriver til, forklarer situationen og foreslår en løsning.
Skriv e-mailen på engelsk og brug alle de nedenstående ord og vendinger.
Ordene/vendingerne skal bruges, som de står, men du må gerne ændre på rækkefølgen og skrive dem med stort begyndelsesbogstav. I din besvarelse skal du understrege de anvendte ord og vendinger.

Omfang: 50-100 ord

promised as soon as possible appreciate however contain look forward to
Skriv e-mailen her:

Huy Thanh Pham
Nørremarksvej 102
Denmark Dear Sirs
I have bought an Iphone the 27th of July, but as promised, on your advertisement I did not receive a free cover. However, I hope we find a solution to this problem as soon as possible and I would very much appreciate if my next order would contain a free cover. I look forward to finding a solution together.
Yours faithfully Huy Thanh Pham.

Effects of Materialism
Most people have a dream that someday, they will be having a big fancy house, an expensive car, a prestigious job and bucket loads of money in the bank. However, this dream of owning lots of expensive material goods, is having a negative effect on the American society. Society is definitely affected by materialism and it affects both psychological and physical.

Economic effects
Materialism is most of the times used as a status symbol, causing people to purchase products they cannot afford, simply to fit in with a richer crowd. When Americans spend money they do not have, it can result in severe consequences not only for the person spending the money but also for the whole society. The cruelty of materialism resulted in 2007 in the housing market collapse. Many Americans were lured by the Subprime loan that granted the Americans with a bad credit value an opportunity to borrow the money for a new house. Many Americans exploited that opportunity to buy a new big house they could not really afford. And when the mortgages finally came many were not able to pay.

Personal effects
The quest for material wealth is not only motivating the society to pressure themselves to buying products just to fit In, but is also a large motivating factor in today’s society. When having material wealth as a motivation factor the society is affected when Americans place material goods over core values as family, friends and happiness. Materialism promotes selfishness and gives you a sense of happiness and success when something new is acquired. Though some such as the website All About Philosophy1 believe materialism is a form of brainwashing and that it removes any kind of personal responsibility by claiming that “thought is dictated biologically and by environment”.

Effects on teenagers.
Teenagers are greatly affected by materialism, teenagers are easy to influence and are often influenced to buy the same trendy and expensive product/items as their friends. Materialism can also be related to self-esteem issues, and many teenagers try to cover their issues by devouring their time to acquire material goods. The materialism in teens has accelerated over the last decades. Many teenagers are forced to follow the latest trends, because of their fear for being bullied. In the latest years it has become normal for children at the age of 6-8 years, to play with their smartphones, in the schoolyard, during break time, where they should be running around, doing some activities and being children. It may have been a huge factor of the Americans obesity problem.

Can money buy happiness?
Some materialist is in the belief that money makes you happy and all you need to become happy is money. The question is can money buy happiness?
Over the past years researchers has given us a much deeper understanding of the relationship between what we earn and how we feel. It is true that people with higher incomes are happier than those who struggle to get by. However, what makes you happy is not the size of your wallet but how you spend the money in it. The research restored the faith in humanity and showed that giving money away makes people a lot happier than spending it on themselves. The research also shows that you should not spend your money on material goods but instead invest them in life experiences because it makes you happy and the happiness you achieve from experiences last longer than material goods.

In my opinion there is only few solutions to this problem and the biggest one of them being the parents. I believe that materialism starts in a young age. Parents with a higher income will automatically spoil their children a bit more than parents with a low income will. If parents teach their children that you should not be judge on what you have or do not have, but who you are as a person, kids would not find it attractive to argue about who has the best smartphone or weather your clothes is cool enough or expensive enough.
My second solution is making a restriction to all the commercials broadcasted everywhere in America. I am not saying you should ban all commercials but only restrict some so you are not bombarded with commercials wherever you go.

For many people escaping materialism is the best way to find happiness. In the pursuit of becoming happy, there are few big steps to take. Once you stop assigning value to the objects, activities, and even people in your life, happiness will come.
1. Stop following the trend.
2. Worship what you have and not what you do not have.
3. Spend your money on life experiences.
4. Reduce your time on the internet and on the couch watching television.
The social Medias also plays a big part of people being materialists. Whenever you are on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even Snapchat people are posting thousands and thousands of pictures of their brand new car, clothes, furniture’s and even what they are eating daily. This bring the competitive gene in people and make them wanting to do better and having an even bigger car, and more expensive clothes.

Huy Thanh Pham

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