Aron Property Investments owned by Mr. Somasundaram Premnath, is a company targeting on the business areas of construction, consultancy, concept design and retail business of apartments and living space. It is currently registered as a Private Limited Company.
Companies, on the basis of liability, can be divided broadly into two, as companies having ‘Limited Liability’ and companies having ‘Unlimited Liability’. Companies with limited liabilities are those in which the capital is divided into shares and liability of members (shareholders) is limited to the extent of face value of shares held by them or to a fixed value of liability undertaken by each partner. This is the most popular class of company. Under Limited Companies, you have two types, namely, private limited (Ltd) and public limited (Plc.). Of these, the private limited ones are usually run by independent individual/individuals, in contrast to a public limited company where shares are traded on the stock exchange and the capital is pooled in by many people. Aron clearly falls into the previous category as being an Ltd.
Next, the key to understanding an organization is to first understand its vision and mission. Before coming to that of Aron Property Investments,let us discuss briefly about the significance of vision and mission of a company.
Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.
In order to determine the future direction of the organization, it is necessary to understand its current position and the possible avenues through which it can pursue particular courses of action. To meet this end, the vision and mission statement are developed. In many cases both of these are confused with each other, though they distinctly vary in nature in many ways.
Mission refers to the purpose and values of the organization. It directly answers questions like: What do we do