1. Introduction
2. Steps in preparing a CDR:
This section deals with the compilation of a Competency
Demonstration Report (CDR) describing your engineering practice. The flow chart below shows the steps you need to take in preparing your CDR:
Complete Application Form
The purpose of the CDR is to demonstrate:
• how you have applied your engineering knowledge and skills; Assemble certified copies of academic testamur(s) and associated academic transcript(s)
• that such application meets the competency standards of the relevant occupational category in Australia.
Prepare Curriculum Vitae
You should be aware that the CDR must be all your own work.
You must carefully follow the instructions provided in preparing your CDR. You should realise that you are entering into a final assessment.
Identify Continuing Professional Development
Write three Career Episodes
The major assessable features of the CDR are your narratives written in English of three career episodes and a Summary Statement of the competency elements you have claimed.
Prepare a Summary Statement of evidence for the competency elements
You should, where possible, type your CDR using a word processor and remember to keep a copy. The CDR must not be bound but presented in loose leaf A4 format.
Instruct IELTS Test Entre to post an original TRF to EA
Submit all specified documentation to Engineers Australia for assessment
Your CDR will be assessed against the competency standards of the occupational category specified by you.
Engineers Australia will not assess your competencies against an occupational category higher than the one you have specified, but may consider assessment against a lower occupational category if you are assessed as not suitable for your nominated category.
3. Components of the CDR:
You must first complete the CDR Application Form.
This is available from www.engineersaustralia.org.au/ migration_skills 3.1 Declaration Page
Your Competency Demonstration Report must include the following declaration (shown below).
Please Note
A submitted CDR which is incomplete when submitted or which does not meet the stated requirements will not be assessed.
The following declaration must be signed and presented as part of your CDR submission:
All submitted material becomes the property of
Engineers Australia.
‘All statements of fact in this report are true and correct and
I have made claims of acquired competencies in good faith.
The report is all my own work and is a true representation of my personal competence in written English. I confirm that I understand that members of the engineering team in
Australia are required to display a commitment to exercising professional and ethical responsibility in all aspects of their work. I also understand that documentation submitted in support of my application may be referred to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for integrity checking.’
Applicants must make copies of all documents sent to Engineers Australia. Applicants who request copies of their submitted documents will be charged a AUD$80 administration fee.
Do not present documents in a bound format as they must be dismantled for filing.
Printed Name:
This Declaration Form is on page 3 of the CDR
Application Form, which may be downloaded from the
Engineers Australia website www.engineersaustralia.org.au/ migration_skills 14
3.5 Identification of Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the means by which you keep up-to-date with developments in your field of engineering after you have graduated. A brief summary of CPD you have undertaken must be included in your CDR. This CPD must take the form of a listing
(title, date, duration, venue) of:
3.2 Certified copies of qualifications and academic record(s)
Certified copies of the testamur (degree certificate) and transcript are mandatory documents. Many applications for a skills assessment are delayed because documents are not properly certified. See item 5 of Section A for full details of the certification requirements.
Documents not properly certified will not be accepted, and your application for assessment will not proceed.
• formal post-graduate study;
• conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended. 3.3 Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
Engineers Australia requires a full summary of your education and engineering work history to gain a full perspective of your engineering workplace practice.
• short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended;
Your CV must be a complete record of your activities and must not contain significant periods where no activity is recorded. • preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia
• service to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteer, mentoring, etc)
For each workplace provide:
• organisation name and location including contact details where possible
dates and duration of employment
title of position occupied by you
• private study (includes books, journals, transactions, manuals, etc)
your defined role (provide a duty or appointment statement where available) and/or a brief description of your activities
Your CPD listing need be no more than one A4 page. There is no necessity to include certificates from each course.
3.6 International English Language Test Result
All applicants applying to have their skills assessed by
Engineers Australia are required to provide evidence of their English language competency. See item 4 of Section
A for full details of the English competency requirements.
Your CV should be no more than three A4 pages.
The CV is to be a chronological listing of employment, not projects. 3.7 Writing your three career episodes
3.4 Evidence of Employment
If in your CV/Resume you claim engineering work experience of 12 months or more, then you must provide documentary evidence (originals or certified copies) of employment and certified translations into English where necessary. You are required to present an account of your engineering activities on each of three separate career episodes. A career episode is a documented component of your engineering education and/or work experience which captures a particular period or distinct aspect of your engineering activity. It needs to clearly demonstrate the application of engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation, not the acquisition of knowledge.
The documentary evidence is to include; company letterhead (including name and location details), date of document, name and status of author, dates and duration of employment, title of position occupied and a brief description of duties/tasks/responsibilities.
It may be:
• an engineering task undertaken as part of your educational program;
If a career episode is based upon engineering work, then you must provide documentary evidence of employment, as above.
• a project you have worked on or are currently working on;
This instruction applies to the standard assessment service only. Go to Section D for further instructions on the additional assessment service for the identification of periods of skilled employment.
• a specific position that you occupied or currently occupy;
• a particular engineering problem that you were required to solve.
Each career episode must be in your own words and must be written in English.
Do not present large amounts of technical material. It is recommended that each narrative be a minimum of about
1000 words and a maximum of about 2000 words.
b) Background (200 – 500 words)
This sets the scene and provides the context in which you were studying/working. It should include such things as:
The career episode, being written in your own words, will also provide evidence to the assessor of your communication skills.
• the nature of the overall engineering project;
• the objectives of the project;
• the nature of your particular work area;
Please Note
Career Episodes must be written in the first person singular clearly indicating your own personal role in the work described. Remember, it is what ‘I did’, not what ‘we did’ or what ‘I was involved in.’
• a chart of the organisational structure highlighting your position; • a statement of your duties (provide an official duty statement where available).
c) Personal Engineering Activity (500 – 1000 words)
This is the body of the narrative and the key assessable component. In this section you must describe in detail the actual work performed by you. It is not sufficient to describe the activity performed by a team or group - your own role must be clearly identified. Remember it is your own personal engineering competencies that are being assessed. Each career episode must clearly demonstrate the application of engineering knowledge and skills in the engineering discipline for which the applicant seeks recognition. That is, describe 'what you did', with and emphasis on personal actions, eg "I designed...", "I investigated...".
Excessive technical detail (diagrams, photos, calculations, tables) are not required.
This section should include such things as:
• how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills;
Each career episode should emphasise any engineering problems identified and any particular problem solving techniques used by you. The purpose of this is to assess the nature of the contribution which you may have made to the engineering project or task - particularly if that contribution was of a novel nature or critical to the implementation of the task/project.
• the tasks delegated to you and how you went about accomplishing them;
• any particular technical difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them;
• strategies devised by you including any original or creative design work;
Please note that it is not sufficient to merely describe work in which you were involved. Your own role in the work must be clearly described by you, and be identifiable in the assessment.
• how you worked with other team members.
d) Summary (50 – 100 words)
This section sums up your impressions of the engineering activity and your role in it. It should include such things as:
You must number each paragraph in each of your career episodes. The following system is recommended;
Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc)
Career episode 2 (paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc)
Career episode 3 (paragraphs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 etc)
This is necessary to construct the Summary Statement.
• your view of the overall project;
• how the project fared in meeting the goals/requirements;
• how your personal role contributed to the project.
Each career episode should follow the format shown below: 3.8 Preparation of the Summary Statement
Complete the three career episodes, then analyse them for the presence of ALL of the competency elements for the occupational category you have chosen.
a) Introduction (approx. 50 words)
This introduces the reader to the career episode and should include such things as:
The elements for each occupational category are listed in the following pages. The Appendix gives a detailed description of each competency element for each category. • the chronology - the dates and duration of this career episode; • the geographical location where the experience was gained; • the name of the organisation;
• the title of the position occupied by you.
The results of your analysis are to be reported in the form of a Summary Statement of competency elements claimed. The Summary Statement cross-references the relevant set of competency elements with the particular paragraph in your Career Episode where each element occurs. To do this, you will need to number the paragraphs in your career episodes.
The process is represented schematically below:
1. Career Episode
2. Career Episode
3. Career Episode
Summary Statement of competency elements claimed by you indicating how and where applied
You must download and complete the appropriate summary statement for your nominated occupational category.
The summary statement templates are available at www.engineersaustralia.org.au/migration_skills These are guides only. Do not attempt to restrict your
Summary Statement to one page only.
Applicants may prepare their own summary table, but must include the complete set of competency elements for their nominated engineering category.
Please note, one Summary Statement only is to be provided covering all three career episodes combined.
Summary Statement
These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C).
If you are applying for assessment as a Professional Engineer, you will need to download this page, complete it and lodge it with your application. For details, refer to the Appendix, Pages 28-32.
Competency Element
A brief summary of how you have applied the element
PE1.1 Knowledge of science and engineering fundamentals
PE1.2 In-depth technical competence in at least one engineering discipline
PE1.3 Techniques and resources
PE1.4 General Knowledge
PE2.1 Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation, and solution PE2.2 Understanding of social, cultural, global, and environmental responsibilities and the need to employ principles of sustainable development PE2.3 Ability to utilise a systems approach to complex problems and to design and operational performance
PE2.4 Proficiency in engineering design
PE2.5 Ability to conduct an engineering project PE2.6 Understanding of the business environment PE3
PE3.1 Ability to communicate effectively, with the engineering team and with the community at large
PE3.2 Ability to manage information and documentation PE3.3 Capacity for creativity and innovation PE3.4 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities, and commitment to them
PE3.5 Ability to function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, as a team leader or manager as well as an effective team member
PE3.6 Capacity for lifelong learning and professional development
PE3.7 Professional Attitudes
Paragraph in the career episode(s) where the element is addressed