Lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer in the world. The Cancer Research Center in England, a for-profit organization (whose goal is to improve the lives of cancer patients), released a study done on lung cancer patients that have survived 1, 5, and 10 years after diagnosis. They found out that 33% of women and 29% of men survive lung cancer after one year of diagnosis. After five years 9.3% of women and 7.8% of men survive, after 10 years 5.9% of women and 4.9% of men survive lung cancer. The survival rates drop off after a year because the cancer usually metastasizes into other organs, or the treatment wasn’t effective. Most of the treatments won’t get all of the cancerous cells, thus the cancer can resurface at any time. Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers because of its proximity to major organs. The lungs are located in the middle of the chest, right next to the heart, diaphragm, stomach and intestines. When cancer starts to reach its more advanced stages it spreads to these organs. Once the cancer starts to spread (or metastasize) to the other organs it is almost impossible to treat. After the treatments most of the organs will be weak or damaged beyond repair because of the radiation used to find and treat the patients. When the tumor is removed by surgery, the doctor has to take mass from around the tumor. This means that portions of the organs that contain the tumor have to be removed. The size of the tumor will determine the size of the mass taken from the other organs. The Cancer Research Center UK, along with the NHS (National Health Services), has created laws to prevent the spread of lung cancer caused by smoking.
In 2006 Parliament passed the Health Act. This act is designed to prevent second hand smoke by limiting the places individuals would be able to “light up.” This law banned smoking in public places such as pubs, restaurants, hotels etc. The law then created penalties associated with business
Bibliography: Israel National News. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <>. Researchers at the Israel institute of technology are researching a new way to detect lung cancer. They have invented an electronic nose that detects Organic compounds released by a person’s exhale. These organic compounds are able to tell if a person has lung cancer. Researchers are looking for faster and less harmful ways to detect lung cancer. There is a need for a new way to detect lung, head and neck cancer. With the number of diagnosed cancer patients increasing, advancements are in high demand. The author wanted to address people that are associated with cancer. He wanted to show them that the world hasn’t turned its back on them. Aunt Mini Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <>. Dr Luca Bertolaccini and Dr Alberto Terzi from S. Croce e Carle Hospital in Cuneo are doctors from Italy. These researchers found that a machine called the Digital Chest Tomography is able to mimic a CT scan. The researchers took 1800 patients that have not shown signs of malignancy in 5 years. The doctors scanned the lungs with the DCT and if they found an abnormality they would send them to a CT scan. Researchers found that the DCT cost less and used less radiation, about a third of the amount. The Researchers published this paper because they wanted the scientific community to know that there are more efficient means to detect lung cancer. They’re trying to help help those diagnosed with this deadly disease. Science Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <>. Researchers from Northwestern University and NorthShore University HealthSystem have designed a way to examine cheek cells in order to look for cancer. The scientists took a group of 135 patients. The patients were broken up into different groups depending on the severity of their cancer. They also used non smokers. At the end of the test the scientists determined that their study was just as accurate as most traditional cancer screenings such as a Pap smear. The scientists were addressing this to the community, since this hasn’t been fully tested they wanted to address their fellow peers. They were showing the scientific community options for the future.