when I was younger but as the years went on it became a weakness of mine. I am going to talk to my English 1000 teacher about our new project that we have to do and see if he can give me any advice on things I can do to improve my paper.
Also I am going to talk to him and ask him what kind of things I can do to improve myself as a writer. Then I will talk to my Math 1090 teacher and see what extra credit opportunities I have to improve my grade and bring in a previous test that I didn’t do so well on so she can tell me my mistakes and possibly help figure out my mistakes. Hopefully from my visits with my professors I will learn how to be a better student in that class and how to improve my grade and be a better …show more content…
student. When I went to my Math 1090 professor office hours Isai Almeida I took my math binder and my previous test that I didn’t score so well on. I started off my introducing myself and letting her know I was in her Monday, Wednesday and Friday class at 10 am. I told her about my history with math and how I used to be good at math but as the years went on it became a struggle of mine. She then told me that I should consider going to the tutor lab on Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm or Friday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. She also told me that it would be very helpful if I went to the SI tutoring if there was anything in class that I didn’t understand. I asked her was there a way I could improve my grade and she told me to do the extra credit on Math XL and try to get 100% on all the Math XL homework assignments. She didn’t seem any different outside class than inside class, she was still the same person. I felt like I learned a lot from meeting with her outside of class and talking to her face to face really helped to understand to class a little better. I also think that she might have a better prospective about me because I came to come visit her and we got to talk on a one on one basis. Talking to my English 1000 professor Bob was different he is more of a chilled professor.
He is really goofy and likes to make jokes all the time I guess you would say he isn’t your average uptight professor. When we met I took a folder with me that had my previous project in it and a rough draft of my new paper. He already knew who I was so I didn’t have to introduce myself. We started off by talking about my previous paper he told me that the mistakes I make are minor and can be fixed simple by just rereading my writing. He complemented me on how my flow of writing is he said I have good ideals when I write I just need to know how to word them in a different way. Then we went to talk about the rough draft that I brought with me, he marked it up a little bit by putting commas where they needed to be and fixing misspelled words. He told me a common mistake I make in my writing is run on sentences but he told me not to worry about it because we would talk about it more in
class. He didn’t act any different outside of class than he would inside class he was a little more serious be still the same person. This meeting helped me to realize what I needed to do in my writing and how to improve my writing a little bit. I think it is very important that you meet with at least one of your professors once a semester to see what you are doing wrong in that class or just to simply get to know your professor better.