Due Tuesday, January 22nd @ 8am in SharePoint Folder
For this essay, you are to analyze Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The purpose of this essay is two-fold: 1. You are evaluating the speech’s usage of language and style via diction, syntax, tone, theme, mood, audience and purpose. 2. Your essay writing needs to apply the same effective language principles. In other words, you need to be conscious of your communication of ideas through your diction, syntax, tone, and mood.
Your essay may be no longer than 500 words/2 pages double spaced. The essay must follow all MLA conventions, including a Work Cited page. You must also incorporate at least five direct quotes as evidence for your analysis – have more than 5. However, your quotes may not be longer than one typed line.
Use all of your resources from the past two weeks to focus on how MLK’s speech is effective. You do not have to concentrate on all of the effective elements of language and style, but must prove that MLK’s speech was and still is effective based on his style.
Analysis Essay Format
* SOAPS * Thesis
* Analysis and Evaluation * Direct Quotes (5 minimum, have 8! 4 for each body paragraph)
* Reworded Thesis Statement * Impact Statement * Two sentences
Speech transcript and audio link: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
Rubric attached.
Rubric – 50 points Category | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | Introduction | An engaging and well developed introduction is included which introduces elements of SOAPS, and leads into a carefully worded thesis statement. | An introduction is fully developed and introduces elements of SOAPS, and leads into a thesis statement. | An introduction is developed but may not effectively lead into the thesis statement. Elements of SOAPS may not be properly identified. | An introduction is weakly
Cited: page. | In-text citations are missing. |