Professor Guthrie
English 102
26 March 2015
Minors Access to Birth Control Pills
An Annotated Bibliography
Child Trends Databank. (2014). Birth control pill use. Available at: This report by Child Trends is based on the usage of the birth control pill. The reports intended audience is the general public, but more specifically teenagers. I found this source by using the search tool Scout. The report includes trends and statistics of the pregnancy rates of sexually active teenagers that use contraceptive methods based on the differences in gender, race, and grade. The percentage of sexually active teens in the US and European countries are very similar but the pregnancy rate in the US is much higher because the percentage of teens on the pill is much lower. The first chart shows the percentages of sexually active high school students by gender that reported being on a birth control pill at most recent intercourse from the years 1993-2013. The second chart demonstrates the percentage of sexually active high school students by race, Hispanic origin, and gender that reported using a birth control pill at most recent intercourse in the year 2013. The third and final chart used in the report shows the percentage of both sexually active males and females from grades 9 through 12 on a birth control pill at most recent intercourse in 2013. The report also includes links to different cites with percentages of high school students on birth control pills in select US states and cities and different international countries. This report illuminates my paper and helps shape my arguments because it compares birth rate percentages in high school students in different countries which gives me concrete evidence to talk about in my paper.
"The Pill American Experience." PBS. PBS, 1 Jan. 1999. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.
The second source I am including in my research paper is by PBS and includes lots of background
Bibliography: Child Trends Databank. (2014). Birth control pill use. Available at: This report by Child Trends is based on the usage of the birth control pill. The reports intended audience is the general public, but more specifically teenagers. I found this source by using the search tool Scout. The report includes trends and statistics of the pregnancy rates of sexually active teenagers that use contraceptive methods based on the differences in gender, race, and grade. The percentage of sexually active teens in the US and European countries are very similar but the pregnancy rate in the US is much higher because the percentage of teens on the pill is much lower. The first chart shows the percentages of sexually active high school students by gender that reported being on a birth control pill at most recent intercourse from the years 1993-2013. The second chart demonstrates the percentage of sexually active high school students by race, Hispanic origin, and gender that reported using a birth control pill at most recent intercourse in the year 2013. The third and final chart used in the report shows the percentage of both sexually active males and females from grades 9 through 12 on a birth control pill at most recent intercourse in 2013. The report also includes links to different cites with percentages of high school students on birth control pills in select US states and cities and different international countries. This report illuminates my paper and helps shape my arguments because it compares birth rate percentages in high school students in different countries which gives me concrete evidence to talk about in my paper. "The Pill American Experience." PBS. PBS, 1 Jan. 1999. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. The second source I am including in my research paper is by PBS and includes lots of background information and history of the pill that will help shape my paper. I found this source by using Google as my search engine. The intended audience is the general public and people interested in learning about birth control pills. This source includes a timeline of the pill in America starting in 1956 with the invention of the Envoid, the first American birth control pill placed on the market. The timeline continues through following years touching on the growth and development of the pill in America as well as the controversy and conflict the pill has faced. This source also contains lots of useful information and images about the pill including events and people that effected and shaped the pill. McCarthy, F. P. "The Management Of Teenage Pregnancy." British Medical Journal 7979 (2014): 25-29. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. The third source I am including in my research paper is “The Management of Teenage Pregnancy.” I found this article through the University of Alabama Scout search engine and it’s a great source for my paper. The intended audience is the general public in the USA and in Europe. This article focuses on the teenage pregnancy rates throughout the world and uses charts to demonstrate these rates. The USA posses the highest pregnancy rate in the world at 43 female teenage births per 1000. The article also mentions socioeconomic risk factors for teenage pregnancy that include social deprivation, low socioeconomic group, low educational achievement, having teenage parents themselves, being in the care of social services, poor transition from school to work at age 16, sexual abuse, mental health problems, and crime. The article also focuses on the impact of teenage pregnancy, risks that are associated with teenage pregnancy, teen pregnancy management, and prevention methods of teenage pregnancy. This article contains a multitude of concrete facts and information that will positively affect my research paper and argument. Jensen, Jo Anne G, Elizabeth L Moreno, and Tara M Rice. "Office Of Adolescent Health Medical Accuracy Review Process--Helping Ensure The Medical Accuracy Of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Materials." The Journal Of Adolescent Health: Official Publication Of The Society For Adolescent Medicine 54.3 Suppl (2014): S21-S23. MEDLINE. Web. 25 Mar. 2015. The fourth source by the Office Of Adolescent Health has a strong and detailed overview of teen pregnancy and childbearing. I found this source through University of Alabama Scout search engine and the audience is the general public. The source includes statistics from 2013 that 273,000 babies were born in the US from females ages 15-19. The text also mentions the sad reality that comes along with teenage pregnancy such as, mother and teen less likely to finish school, more likely to rely on public assistance, more likely to live in poverty as adults, and more likely to have children who has poorer education, behavioral, and health outcomes throughout their lives rather than a child born into older parents that are prepared for a child. Along with addressing the issues of teen pregnancy, the source also touches on strategies and approaches to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies such as the contraceptive method I talk about in my paper. This information adds to my paper because it demonstrates the problems with teen pregnancy and the steps the US can take to lower the teenage pregnancy rates.