The short story “A Story of an Hour” was written as an omniscient third person narrator. Kate Chopin begins her story with the reader knowing something that Mrs. Mallard does not. The narrator reveals and interprets Mrs. Mallard thoughts as the story foretells. The use of third person expresses the voice of Mrs. Mallard as sympathetic and understanding. If the story was written in first person for example, the story would be told in a completely different view behind the explanation of Mrs. Mallard. When written in third person, the reader gets a visual insight of the place and the events that occur. Also, the reader does not fully grasp the emotions the characters are going through when being read in third person. If the story were written in first person then the reader could have felt emotionally involved more with the character speaking.
During both stories the authors used irony. The irony of “A Story of an Hour” and “Trifles” is based upon the women characters that live a miserable marriage and cannot seem to find happiness within their