1: Music Vocabulary
"What music sounds like?"
"Com sona la música? "
HIGH: alta
LOW: baixa
FAST: ràpida
SLOW: lenta
LOUD: forta, sorollosa
QUIET: tranquil·la
2: Excursion Vocabulary
TORCH: llanterna BOOK: llibre
BLANKET: manta PILLOW: coixí
COMB: pinta TOWEL: tovallola
MAT: estela PYJAMAS: pijama
SLEEPING BAG: sac de dormir TOOTHBRUSH: respall de dents
SUNGLASSES: ulleres de sol
3: HAVE GOT / HAVEN'T GOT (tenir) (no tenir)
HAVE GOT (TENIR) Afirmació
I have got a sister (jo)
You have got a sister (tu)
He haS got a sister (ell)
She haS got a sister (ella)
We have got a sister (nosaltres)
You have got a sister (vosaltres)
They have got a sister (ells)
I haven't got a sister (jo)
You haven't got a sister (tu)
He haSn't got a sister (ell)
She haSn't got a sister (ella)
We haven't got a sister (nosaltres)
You haven't got a sister (vosaltres)
They haven't got a sister (ells)
"HAVE I GOT a sister?" (Jo tinc una germana?)
"HAVE you GOT a sister?" (Tu tens una germana?)
"HAS he GOT a sister" (Ell té una germana?)
"HAS she GOT a sister" (Ella té una germana?)
"HAVE we GOT a sister?" (Nosaltres tenim una germana?)
"HAVE you GOT a sister?" (Vosaltres teniu una germana?)
"HAVE they GOT a sister?" (Ells tenen una germana?)
- I ______________ a torch.
- We ______________ a mobile. Afirmatives (+)
- He _______________ a teddy. - She ________________ a sister
- They ______________ sunglasses Negatives (-)
- I __________________ a book Posa l'ANY si cal!
- You ________________ trainers
- ______I ________ a sister?
- ______ She ______ a teddy? Interrogatives (?)
- ______ You __________ sunglasses? Posa l'ANY si cal!