The Convenient of Fort Rotterdam As a Tourism Place, and Media To Study
The History and Culture of South Sulawesi
Submitted as a requirement to pass The English for Tourism Subject
A. Background
One of the most beautiful tourism place in South Sulawesi especially in
Makassar is Fort Rotterdam. Many people comes to this place every day, they come to Fort Rotterdam not only to see the historical building but they are also doing so many activity there. To study, and to watch the parade are example of what are they usually do in this tourism place in this case are visitors. Because there are many people that do many activity there, it make me think that “how convenient the Fort Rotterdam is?”. To answer that question I have do a mini survey about Fort Rotterdam. The survey is talking about the transportation to come to this place, the accommodation, the facilities of this tourism place, the comeliness of this place, the history behind this place, the education values of this place and also the entertainment values of the place.
I collected the data by come to this place and ask the visitors randomly. I give few question and write their response. After that, I crosscheck the responses of the visitors by seeing the real situation that happen. What I write here is the conclusion from the mini survey, it is come from the comparison both of the visitors responses and what did I see at that time, I went to this tourism place to do the survey in December, 8 2013.
B. Purpose
1. To know about how convenient the Fort Rotterdam is?, As a Tourism Place, and Media To Study The History and Culture of South Sulawesi.
2. As a requirement to pass The English For Tourism Subject.
C. Benefit
1. People who read this report will know more and deeply about the tourism place in Makassar especially Fort Rotterdam.
2. This report could be use to find