< Faculty of Education and Languages >
< May / 2013>
< OUMH1203>
2. Everything in nowadays got the good and bad side of influences, same as our topic today, are we able to reveal our lack of knowledge or not with the current education system? Actually, the current education system neither encourages us to reveal our lack of knowledge nor stop us to do that. Yes! I admit that the education system play a very important role on this, however, we need to consider on the attitudes and mindset that the student having currently. The current education system are not perfect neither the previous one; it is proven that already improve a lots from the days before.
They need to study numbers of books and materials that been loaded to them when our Parents schooling time, and the will expected the punishment either physical or verbal from their parents or teacher if they not finished it, that is why they will not reveal their lack of knowledge to avoid and the fear of the punishment. And it is totally different for students nowadays, their study more simplified and the over pampered from their parents, lots of teacher will stop punish student, without the pressure from parents and teacher, most the reasons will base on student mindset, however, the same come on, the students nowadays will not reveal their lack of knowledge due to the trends of show-off attitudes in society.
From the above we can see that either past days and current student will not reveal their lack of knowledge due to different reasons, but as we all understand, for us to improve, we must admit where we are now. For instance, if we keep saying that we understand, so the teacher will keep going the course without extra explanation on the particular subject, then the student will