(An Opinionated Reflection)
English is indeed the most popular and the most used language in the world. There are some countries like in Japan; not sure but Japanese people don’t actually require speaking English. For me, it’s the reason for their unreachable success. With their Japanese to Japanese language speaking, they can understand each other very clear. I think, it is one of the major problems here in the Philippines wherein we are doing Filipino to English language speaking, we don’t sometimes understand the meaning of an English word unless translated to Filipino or more understandable language by a pinoy that is fluent in English but it is a job requirement that a person applying for a job, no matter what position it is, especially here in the Philippines must be used or know how to speak English so that communication with foreign or local investors, clients or customers is easy.
In the first sentence, I said that it is the most used language in the world. So English now, have different variations. In the Philippines, there is Pinoy English where the pronunciation of English words change, example is the word “Apple”. Filipinos pronounce it as “Apol” where it should be something like “Apol” with a mixture of “Apel”, the double P should sound like a single P. The Taglish where it shows the mixture of English and Filipino Language, example is “Hay nako! I don’t want here! It’s so kadiri and something like that! Eww!”. It sounds credible for some which accepts this kind of informal speaking but then in reality, they are not correct and unacceptable. English is a crazy language! For some young adults or children, they will probably be confused.
When I read the photocopy that was given to me, to be honest, I am really disconcerted and my brain starts to think just “huh? Really what?” Then I just reread and think again for possible clues that will give me an idea for what I should react and get from the photocopy. I compared