English Language and Self Esteem
I Introduction As English language is an international language, it can help students to gain more knowledge, build self esteem and easy to get any job. II Body A: English language can help student to gain more knowledge. 1. a. English can help students seek for information from books or articles that are written in English. b. Students who learn English can improve their grammar. c. According to Amy (2007) from Ezine Article, one who good command in English can get unlimited resources as most valuable resources are published in English. B: English language can help student build self esteem. 2. a. Lead students to communicate well in English as it is an important communication tool in this competitive world. b. Potential personnel could be equipped with fluency in English and self confidence in expressing themselves. c. According to Ece (2011), learn and speak English can makes a person be more confident. C: English language can help students get job easily after graduate. 3. a. More opportunities of job offered to students who speak and write in English. b. Student can go further as most of careers one would need to have good English level to get promoted. c. According to Dorrie (2012), English are the most essential language in order to success in global business.
References 1. Clark, D. (26 Oct 2012). English- The Language of Global Business. Forbes. Retrieved Oct 26, 2012 from http://www.forbes.com 2. Nutt, A. (18 Jan 2007). Learning English Will Help You Gain Skills and Enhance Your Knowledge. Ezine Article. Retrieved Jan 18, 2007 from http://ezinearticles.com 3. Castro, L.M. (12 March 2012). The Benefits of Learning the English Language. Global Virtual Career. Retrieved March 12, 2012 from www.globalvirtualcareers.net 4. Muderrisoglu, E. (6 Dec 2011). Students Voice Bahcesehir University English Preparatory School. Turkey. Retrieved Dec 6, 2011 from
References: 1. Clark, D. (26 Oct 2012). English- The Language of Global Business. Forbes. Retrieved Oct 26, 2012 from http://www.forbes.com
2. Nutt, A. (18 Jan 2007). Learning English Will Help You Gain Skills and Enhance Your Knowledge. Ezine Article. Retrieved Jan 18, 2007 from http://ezinearticles.com
3. Castro, L.M. (12 March 2012). The Benefits of Learning the English Language. Global Virtual Career. Retrieved March 12, 2012 from www.globalvirtualcareers.net
4. Muderrisoglu, E. (6 Dec 2011). Students Voice Bahcesehir University English Preparatory School. Turkey. Retrieved Dec 6, 2011 from www.hltmag.com.uk