UNSCRAMBLE the following sentences.(5marks)
1. as citizens community the useful be must we of.
2. of family life the home importance and taught should be school every in.
3. neighbours peacefully with our live must Caribbean we.
4. pigment of leaves green the chlorophyll called is.
5. mandela is Nelson devoted a dynamic and fighter freedom.
Rewrite the sentences below using the correct HOMOPHONE in place of the word spelt incorrectly.(10 marks)
1. Joan of Arc was tied to the (steak) and burnt.
2. Eight men carried the (beer) at the headmaster’s funeral.
3. The children watched the little lambs(gamble) beside their mother.
4. There is an excellent (cereal) on television now.
5. The man was surrounded be a (heard) of cattle.
6. A fat spider made its web in one corner of the (sealing).
7. Some people (prey) every night and morning.
8. The bank gave him a (lone) but he was unable to repay on time.
9. The thunder and(lightening) made my family and I feel terrified.
10. We enjoyed the apple and the (pair) that our aunt gave to us.
Choose the appropriate SYNONYM for the word that is underlined. (5 marks)
1.They seemed to be shocked by the news. electrocuted stunned surprised ashamed
2. People borrow money from the bank on certain conditions. terms measures states surroundings
3. Some people think that sweeping is degrading work. drowsy useless menial oppressive
4. The diet she went on worsened her weak condition. aggravated enlarged spread decreased
5. With an unemotional expression on his face he suffered the punishment. impassive twisted mournful objective
Match each word with the CORRECT synonym (10 marks) gleaming nationalistic small wailing patriotic atrocious bad personal moaning dimunitive deride shining try sat perched escape deride endeavour