
English Language Teaching Methods

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English Language Teaching Methods
Introduction According to, teaching method is defined as the principles and methods of instruction. Whereas, according to Claudine Kirsch in her book ‘Teaching Foreign Languages in the Primary School’, language teaching method is a comprehensive approach that helps teachers to decide what language skill(s) to develop, what activities and resources to choose and how to plan for progression. However, teaching method often confused with teaching approach. According to, method means a process while approach is an act of coming near as in the sense of ‘a way of dealing with a person or a thing’. Generally, teaching method is about how you conduct a class and teaching approach is the way you conduct the method. Every method contains at least one or more approaches to be carried out.
Task-based Learning (TBL)
Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)
It is often mistaken by teachers that teaching is about making the learners to be the students of the language instead of making them the independent users of the language. Hence, over the years, scholars had been arguing on which method is the most effective. There are several effective methods used in the past years but found as not very popular in recent years. For example, suggestopedia, introduced by Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov, which is a method that include various intonation during reading and involvement of music. The method however is not very popular nowadays. There are four methods considered as popular in recent years;

4 Most Popular Methods on Teaching English

The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)

Source: English to the World: Teaching Methodology Made Easy by Jason Peter Geyser
Method 1: Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)
There are three stages in PPP method and various approaches can be used.
Step 1: Presentation
This stage is where the teacher will introduce the lesson to the learners. It will require the teacher to

References: Bowen, T. Teaching Approaches: Task-Based Learning. Retrieved on November 25, 2011 from Cotter, T. Teaching English: Planning a Grammar Lesson. Retrieved on November 29, 2011 from Geyser, J. P. English to the World: Teaching Methodology Made Easy. August Publishing Sdn. Bhd., 2006. Kirsch, C. Teaching Foreign Languages in the Primary School. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008. Ocampo, L. Retrieved on November 25, 2011 from PPP for Dummies (25 April 2008). Retrieved on November 29, 2011 from Teaching Method. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2011, from method. Teaching Tips: What is Task-Based Learning. Retrieved on November 28, 2011 from Wa’Njogu, K. Methods of Language Teaching. Retrieved on November 26, 2011 from

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