This assignment presents a sequence of five evaluated English lessons, aimed at Year 11 students, displaying Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD). The case study student is a Year 11 boy identified as ‘H’ for the purpose of this assignment. He has ADHD, Aspergers and mental health issues which required hospitalisation during the Year 9 Summer Term. This has resulted in an extensive amount of authorised absence affecting his grades across the curriculum. Despite these difficulties, his current English National Curriculum, writing level is a strong 5A and his predicted GCSE grade is currently D. With a reading age of 16 years and 6 months at the baseline tests carried out in April 2012, H does not struggle with reading, fluency or comprehension. He has a Statement of Educational Need which details his specific academic, social, emotional and behavioural requirements.
Statement Objectives:
1. To promote the development of his social communication and social skills so he is able to express his feelings and develop and maintain effective and purposeful relationships with his peers and adults. He will be encouraged to join in group discussions, activities, and collaborative group work.
2. To promote the development of his attention and concentration skills so that he is able to follow group instructions and maximise his potential. Staff need to check his understanding of tasks and reframe if necessary. Tasks need to be broken down into component parts so he can attempt them independently. Alternative methods of recording are needed, such as access to a laptop for extended writing tasks (Cox, 2012).
H is keen to raise his current National Curriculum level and maximise his GCSE result. His writing target in the front of his English workbook indicates to him the requirements to move forward towards 6C. The assessment foci include technical accuracy, punctuation, cohesion within and between paragraphs and
References: Andrews, R. (2001) Teaching and learning English; a guide to recent research and its applications. London: Continuum. Applebee, A.N., Langer, J.A., Nystrand, M Athanases, S.Z. (1998) 'Diverse learners, diverse texts: Exploring identity and difference through literary encounters ', Journal of Literacy Research, 30 (2), pp.273-296. Barone, T Bloom, H. (ed.) (2001) 'Bloom 's major poets ', Poets of World War I - part one. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishing. pp. 1-2. Cox, S Crystal, D. (1987) The Cambridge encyclopaedia of language. California: Cambridge University Press. Cumming, R DFE (2010) 'Glossary of drama conventions ', in National Association for the Teaching of English (ed.) Developing drama in English: A handbook for English subject leaders and teachers. pp. 1-5. Eanet, M.G Hadaway, N.L., Vardell, S.M. & Young, T.A. (2001) 'Scaffolding oral language development through poetry for students learning English ', The Reading Teacher, 54 (8), pp.796-806. Jocson, K.M Miall, D.S. (1996) 'Empowering the reader literary response and classroom learning ', in Kreuz, R. J. and MacNealy, S. M. (eds.) Empirical approaches to literature and aesthetics. Ablex. pp. 463-478. Ofsted (2011) Excellence in English The National Autistic Society (2013) ‘What is Asperger syndrome?’ Available at: Accessed: 27/09/13 ThoughtTraveller (2010) WW1 hell in the trenches. Available at: Accessed: 24/09/13 Trueman, C