One class has really stood out to me and my grade proves it. This professor is helping to show me many different ways I can succeed here at Austin Peay State University. Thus far she has shown me several different ways to help improve my studying skills. The option of joining a study group is the best option I have made. I have joined a study group for my art class. In the beginning I was not doing so well, and then I caught drift of a study group that was being formed and I signed up. A few strengths that I have brought to my study group is that I record each of the lectures so that we can listen to certain parts. When we have the ability to re-listen to the lecture it helps us get a better understanding of what was being taught. I got this grade saving idea from my APSU 1000 instructor, Mrs. Bonnie Hodge, who suggested that we ask our instructors if we are allowed to record their lectures. My next highest grade is a two-way tie between my Art and Psychology class, both ranking in at a B. I have the opportunity to record both of their lectures, and I do so every day. Having the ability to listen to lectures at home has a huge improvement on my grades, because it allows me to listen for important information that I may have accidently missed during class. I feel that I can do better in all of these classes if I spend about another hour per week studying for each class. It is very important to me that I make the best grades possible, because I would like to be accepted into the Nursing Program. This program is very competitive because they only accept about 50 students per year. In order to be accepted into this program I must bring up my English grade to at least a B, which is satisfying to me. English is a subject that I have always struggled with throughout high school. I try to study to the best of my ability and I do well on the test, it’s just writing papers that get me. The only thing I can do is study on how to make my papers flow
One class has really stood out to me and my grade proves it. This professor is helping to show me many different ways I can succeed here at Austin Peay State University. Thus far she has shown me several different ways to help improve my studying skills. The option of joining a study group is the best option I have made. I have joined a study group for my art class. In the beginning I was not doing so well, and then I caught drift of a study group that was being formed and I signed up. A few strengths that I have brought to my study group is that I record each of the lectures so that we can listen to certain parts. When we have the ability to re-listen to the lecture it helps us get a better understanding of what was being taught. I got this grade saving idea from my APSU 1000 instructor, Mrs. Bonnie Hodge, who suggested that we ask our instructors if we are allowed to record their lectures. My next highest grade is a two-way tie between my Art and Psychology class, both ranking in at a B. I have the opportunity to record both of their lectures, and I do so every day. Having the ability to listen to lectures at home has a huge improvement on my grades, because it allows me to listen for important information that I may have accidently missed during class. I feel that I can do better in all of these classes if I spend about another hour per week studying for each class. It is very important to me that I make the best grades possible, because I would like to be accepted into the Nursing Program. This program is very competitive because they only accept about 50 students per year. In order to be accepted into this program I must bring up my English grade to at least a B, which is satisfying to me. English is a subject that I have always struggled with throughout high school. I try to study to the best of my ability and I do well on the test, it’s just writing papers that get me. The only thing I can do is study on how to make my papers flow