How does Atwood create parallels and contrast between the 20th century feminism and the oppression of women in Gilead?
Slide 2: Introduction
Good morning, class. The question I will be analysing today is " How does Atwood create parallels and contrasts between 20th century feminism and the oppression of women in Gilead? " I will first look at some background information on the dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood, then I will look at the different kinds of freedom presented in 20th century feminism and Gilead, and I will also explore the two different types of 20th century feminism - radical and contemporary feminism. I will also look at the idea of hierarchy between the women in Gilead, and then come to a conclusion to answer the question posed in the beginning. I believe that the women of Gilead are completely controlled by the men, where as in the 20th Century women had more control.
Slide 3: Background Information
Firstly, I am going to talk about the background information on handmaid's tale.
- The novel is set in the Future.
- The USA has been overthrown, and replaced by the Republic of Gilead
- Gilead, a patriarchal society, they return back to traditional values, where the men dominate women, men makes all the decisions, and women are inferior compared to men.
- Gilead is a dystopian society, a world which has embraced all the negative elements.
- It is also a theocracy society where the church controls the government. You can see that as Gilead is a place named in the Bible.
- There are different classes of women; some are more high class than others for e.g. the wife of the commander has the highest status out of all women.
- In this book, Offred the main character acts as the narrator of the story, she is one of the handmaids, who are like reproduction machines. Handmaids are needed as the fertility rate is low.
Slide 4: Palimpsest
- A Palimpsest is like a board which can be written and erased over