English 11 research paper
Mrs. Heveron-Smith
What’s the price we’re paying? As a child, this young boy wanted for everything to go his way. He was very mature although he was just a kid, he would always be worrying. The things he worried about were family, if his friends liked him, if he was smart enough, if he wore the “right” clothes, if he would be on time, and many other problems. The real issues started when he was a sophomore in high school. After a summer camp, he had lost weight. Prior to this camp, he was always the normal weight and height for his age. This is what triggered the negative chain of events. This started an eating disorder, he made a fixed exercise routine and created a very strict diet, this began to take over his life. The disorder continued for two years, everything else in his life became obsolete, only the exercise time and diet mattered in his life. Along with this, anxiety kicked in, he just wasn’t in the real world anymore, and he was numbed to everything outside of the controlling weight loss obsession. Things kept getting worse and worse and spiraling out of control until he reached his junior year of high school. This is when he began seeing a social worker and psychiatrist, therapy lifted him back up to his feet and re introduced him to the real world again. His psychiatrist began putting him on anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications. These medications helped balance his moods and allowed him to take control of the anxiety attacks. Most importantly, he started relating to people again, thoughts returned, began to talk more, and rediscovered life events that made him happy.
Stress can take a major toll on both teens and adults. “Stress is your body’s normal physical and emotional response to life events and situations, whether the events or situations are positive or negative, happy or sad, stress becomes dangerous when it builds to the point of overwhelming and that ‘if I add one more thing to my