Term 1
Student Name /
Assessment Task 1
Date Due: Friday March 20
Weighting: 25%
Students are to compose a response to the following question under examination conditions: How do the composers of two of the poems you have studied in this unit use poetic techniques to convey a unique perspective on Australian life?
Time: 1 period
› EN51A
› EN53B
Responses will be assessed on how well they:
Answer the question;
Demonstrate an understanding of the major themes in their chosen poems;
Demonstrate and understanding of how the techniques used in each poem convey the major thematic concerns;
Demonstrates a command of argument and essay structure;
Demonstrates a command of language In order to undertake this task you will need to:
*Read through all the poems.
● Choose two poems you have studied.
● Revise your analyses of each poem.
● Understand the main themes and techniques used in each poem
● Compose a response that answers the question directly using appropriate evidence, analysis and technical discussion.
This response:
Answers the question directly;
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the major themes in their chosen poems;
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of how the techniques used in each poem convey the major thematic concerns;
Demonstrates an excellent command of argument and essay structure;
Demonstrates an excellent command of language
This response:
Answers the question most of the time;
Demonstrates a good understanding of the major themes in their chosen poems; Demonstrates a good understanding of how the techniques used in each poem convey the major thematic concerns;
Demonstrates a good command of argument and essay structure;
Demonstrates a good command of language This response: