Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Learning How to Be More Aware. (n.d.). Emotional Intelligence in Leadership. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_45.htm…
Emotional intelligence involves, being aware of our emotions and regulate our own emotional responses (Mayer & Salovey, as cited by Aquino, 2009). The leading of emotional intelligence believe that adaptive advantages of emotional skills are important in academic success with their careers, regulate more of their own behaviors, and provide for greater responsibility and work harder to accomplish their goals (Aquino, 2009).…
Daniel Goleman’s research has identified six distinct leadership styles that stemmed from different components of emotional intelligence. “These leadership styles…
Next we have Emotional Intelligence, which means you have to build your self-alertness, self-management, social alertness and correlation management. Emotional intelligence is critical. Know that as a leader, you are…
The video, "Leadership Tutorial: What is Emotional Intelligence" explains the power of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). EQ is the ability to understand ourselves and others and is the skills that effectively we can manage our own emotions and effectively manage ourselves, situations, and human relationships. EQ is much more important than IQ comes to human relationship. EQ requires life experiences, training, and maturity in order to develop; in addition, we really need to pay attention ourselves in order to strengthen EQ. Unfortunately, there are some people who have really high IQ yet do not have high EQ; if you have a manager or supervisor who does not have high EQ, your work place might not be a great place. The successful leaders have a higher…
Bibliography: Goleman, Daniel; Boyatzis, Richard E.; McKee, Annie. (2004). Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead With Emotional Intelligence. Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.…
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize one’s own emotions and those of others and to analyze these emotions to guide one’s personal thinking and actions. Previous research indicates that people are more effective at their jobs when they have a good understanding of emotions. EI is divided into five categories; self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. Understanding one’s own EI provides insight into one’s management abilities including: leadership, individual performance, group performance, interpersonal/social exchange, managing change, and conducting performance evaluations (“Emotions and emotional intelligence“, 1996). This papers focus is the cumulative analysis of my own EI (also known as social intelligence) and the interactions that may occur in my University of Phoenix team.…
Emotional Intelligence A good leader…
The above theory is similar to Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model. Roy states that people are affected by stimuli and are able to overcome obstacles. People are “an adaptive system with cognator and regulator subsystems acting to maintain adaptation” (Roy, 2009). When specifically looking at the leadership aspect, emotional intelligence (EI) is important. Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately identify, appraise, and express emotions, as well as understand emotion and emotional knowledge while monitoring and promoting growth in intellectual and emotional areas. Although EI is difficult to measure, leaders who successfully interpret and respond to emotional cues of the staff cultivate greater levels of personal and team success (Feather,…
Antonakis, J., Ashkanasy, N. M., & Dasborough, M. T. (2009). Does leadership need emotional intelligence?. The Leadership Quarterly, 247-261. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.libproxy.db.erau.edu/science/article/pii/S1048984309000174…
Emotional intelligence has been identified as the most important element that leads to effective leadership; this was recognised through some researchers. Goleman (1998) has said that, “the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way; they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence”. He further says that “sine qua non” of leadership is the emotional intelligence (1998). Until recently, many organisations are beginning to acknowledge the importance of emotional intelligence, it is said to be important as an individual’s IQ to his/her effectiveness (Druskat & Wolff, 2001).…
You and I are in the same situation, due to the fact that this class is a requirement for degree seekers.…
Leaders who are genuinely engaged and involved with the team members are more likely to become committed to have the solution work than those who are working behind the scenes (Chamberlin, 2013). To be successful in today’s work environment, I must learn to balance task direction with the proper relationship behavior, leading to high levels of consistent performance across team members. As leaders, it is our responsibility to cultivate all of our subordinates and prepare them for situations in which decisions will have to be made. I believe that with each situation leader’s Emotional Intelligence EEI) would come into play. EI affects the outcome, empathy is a significant aspect of EI and transparency and compassion in dealing with subordinates and followers.…
In my article, "What Makes a Leader?," the author talks about how emotional intelligence is the key behind becoming a great leader. However, emotional intelligence isn't just being able to know your emotions it's much more than that. The author explains that emotional intelligence has four components to it. The first component being self-awareness, which is having a deep understanding of ones emotions, strengthens, weaknesses, needs, and drives. The author goes on to say that being self aware means you are honest with yourself and you know your limits. The second component is self management, which is being able to manage your emotions and more specifically your impulses according to the author. You can't be a good leader if you make impulse…
A school’s climate is influenced by its administrators’ leadership style—by the way they motivate personnel, gather and use information, make decisions, manage change initiatives, and handle crises. It is an essential factor for success as a poor environment can account for as much as a third of all deficiencies. Unfortunately, many administrators fail to appreciate how deeply the climate of their school can affect the performance of both staff and students. This paper explains what is meant by climate and how emotional intelligence and its influences on leadership styles can impact on the climate of a school.…