Rwanda: Reflections by Students in
Tertiary Institutions by Pierre Canisius Ruterana
PhD student, Linkoping University, Sweden; Lecturer, National University of Rwanda;
Following a growing concern about the lack of a reading culture among Rwandans in general and university students in particular, this study investigates students’ reflections on their previous reading experiences and discusses ways to develop literacy and a reading culture in
Rwanda. It is widely known that the cultivation of a reading culture among the youth in tertiary institutions not only boosts their academic excellence, but it also contributes to their country’s growth prospects. This study based on students from one university answers the following research question: What do students claim are the reasons for a poor reading culture in Rwanda?
The data was collected via an open questionnaire. Major findings indicate that the lack of a reading culture is attributed to the colonial and post-colonial education system, reliance on verbal communication, limited access to reading materials, and ultimately the mother tongue status of
Kinyarwanda, within the sociolinguistic configuration of Rwanda.
Keywords: Reading culture; oral tradition; language of instruction; adult literacy; functional literacy. 36
The Journal of Pan African Studies, vol.5, no.1, March 2012
“If you want to hide something to Rwandans, you will only put it in a book. But if you want something to be known, just whisper it to one person”, an adage in Rwanda goes.
Voices from various media, academic and political authorities in Rwanda unanimously speak out about the lack of a reading culture among Rwandans in general, and students in tertiary education in particular, which impacts not only on the educational standards, but also the entire nation’s welfare. Yet the possession of this culture is a sine
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