According to this article “Enhancing Your Body Image” by Rebecca J. Donatelle, the author discusses how you view yourself. Body Image is how perspective on how you look at yourself or view others in a negative or positive way. Factors
on improving your body image is learning how to love yourself and be comfortable in the body you’re in. You can build a more positive mindset to your own body by just accepting who you are or wanting to change it for yourself to build up your confidence. In an article that was put up on Yahoo Ashley Graham said “Don’t let your image, don’t let your size, hold you back. If I had let my hips or my jiggly thighs hold me back or the fact that I’ve got these big heavy breasts, then I would not be where I am today." Although Media, advertisements, magazines, and celebrities have a greater effect with today’s societies on how they think the human body should look. Magazines like Women’s Health, Men’s Health, and Body display body’s that not everybody may want or can get. The people in the magazine all have toned, fit, muscular bodies, this might discourage people that don’t have those bodies and they might feel depressed they don’t have a body like that.
Various ways that people can develop a positive body image of their own is to accept, love, and know that they can’t always live up to people’s expectations of a perfect body. Another quote Graham used was “I say to myself: You are bold, you are brilliant, and you are beautiful. Today you will not let other people's words affect you. You are worthy of greatness!”. When developing a positive body image of yourself you have to learn that you are different from everybody in this world and that nobody has a body like you and you should take pride in that. Also to not follow trends that celebrities may be putting out making other individuals trying to look like them. Buying things, you like and not just to buying what everybody has, have your own style wear what makes you feel comfortable.
These kinds of topics cannot be taking lightly in the world we live in today. People will get depressed because they feel like they are not enough because of the negative body image they have towards themselves. Issues like these have negative effects on a human that lead to anything bad like suicide, hurting themselves in anyway just because they feel empty on the inside. I have hope for the future to show other people that if you learn to accept yourself and love the body you’re in that you can have a positive effect on other individuals. One final quote I would like to leave off with is which is said by Graham is "I felt free once I realized I was never going to fit the narrow mold that society wanted me to fit in." meaning once you learn to accept and be positive within your own body you should not worry about anybody else’s opinion.