Review this week’s reading and describe your interpersonal style. What factors have affected the interpersonal style that you exhibit? Do you think the source(s) of your interpersonal style are consistent with the theories underlying the models described in the course text? Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.…
I believe my most important indicators of professionalism I posses are arriving early to work to prepare materials and ensuring that everything is in place for student’s arrival. I collaborate with my peer in planning of most skills using a daily routine. We discuss students’ goals and achievements and I make recommendations for future interventions. In my opinion, my ability to reach each learner brings about desired outcomes of student engagement. I have a high sense of efficacy and a passion for teaching. Therefore, I am constantly searching for best practices to implement in my classroom. I am willing to take more risks, set higher standards for myself and my students and provide the potential for higher academic gains among my students. Student learning is my responsibility and I…
This has help me understand her self –characterization to being a seeker of fulfilling her need of learning through self-help books. Also, by being a person with responsibilities and…
Martindale, N. (2011). Leadership Styles: How to handle the different personas. Strategic Communication Management Journal, 15 (8), 32–35.…
This article is about a speaker by the name of Irene Leonard that gives a coaching session. Irene Leonard provided four objectives for her participants to do. These objectives were to get to know each other, make a list of values that were important to them, examine and rate all aspects of life using a worksheet she called the “Wheel of Life”, and the fourth was to get goals for each area of life. Irene worked with her audience and made them comfortable.…
Over the course of the last two weeks, this class has discussed many topics. We have gone over the best ways of communication with staff, and the effectiveness of different techniques. We isolate which were the most important traits to possess, and how to best deal with employees who may possess traits that differ from our own.…
The main problem I’ve had here were with professors who’ve gotten ahead or above themselves because of their level and tenure. I do agree, however, with Hacker and Dreifus when they said some professors “have no reasons to improve their teaching” (181).Some of my professors at Grambling State University are wonderful, were some aren’t as wonderful. Some professors come to class…
The report is the second part of a collection of data that represents information of the student- author’s behavioral traits, qualities temperament and management against the framework of people puzzles. Several coursework materials were applied in solving the student’s people puzzle. The D.I.S.C, and (Carbonell) 360° Interview Assessment, and the Interpersonal Communication Skills Test, (, determined the governing of: Who was the me I see, who is the me I want to see and the Hallmark Purpose. The student’s study helps to simplify these claims and foster’s ideals for the student’s professional and personal etiquette.…
Personality is interpreted as a mixture of a person 's consistent behaviour, emotion and thought that illustrate the technique an individual exemplifies when responding to another individual or situation (Letzring, Wells & Funder, 2006). The specific reaction an individual presents is unique and affects their daily life in how they organise events, control emotions and make decisions. Eysenck (2004) outlines personality in a more thorough manner as he discusses it in terms of its stability, regularity throughout life,…
How many different personalities are there in this classroom? Today, you will learn about personality, self-esteem, and emotions.…
Working in an unfamiliar environment can be tough for one to fathom. Add individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, ethics and views to the recipe and the result can be either cataclysmal or a successful learning experience. A key resource to success in work and team relationships is the knowledge to recognize certain personality traits and learning specifics of other individuals. Only then can one acclimate to communicate effectively and collaborate to achieve a common goal. This paper will evaluate assessing three different personality temperaments and three different learning pathways. It will also discuss how people can work with and benefit from surrounding themselves by these types of social learning experiences.…
References: Palladino, John. (2006). Behavior, Student. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration, vol 1, pages 69-70. Retrieved 2/26/2012…
As the bell rang for 2nd hour for P.E. class, the conversations surrounded the actions of Coach Knight and the inactions of Indiana University to discipline him. Coach Knight emerges to be a high on neuroticism due to his open hostilities (Northouse, 2010). He is considered to be among the big five personality traits which have been identified in Trait theory. He micro-manages every area of his player’s live in both fields; on and off (Puma, 2007). He also elevated on extraversion, even though if he has not appeared as a sociable or bringing up a positive energy, but he is definitely has got high on the assertiveness (Northouse, 2010). Coach Knight is very frank and high on conscientiousness due to his decisiveness and his infatuation with being in control (Northouse,…
When I teach I will adopt a professional manner and always ensure that I am non-judgmental and under no circumstances will I favor students or give some more attention than others. It is vital that I treat all students with respect and dignity and in turn expect the same in return. I will also ensure that particular students are not disadvantaged or overly advantaged.…
Within this assignment I will explore the ways in which I relate to others. I will identify any barriers or difficulties which could affect my ability to relate to others and therefore have an adverse effect on my role as a helper. Egan (1994) states that to be a fully developed helper, a key component is self awareness. He also suggests that there can be a “shadow side” to helping, which can adversely affect the outcome of the helping process.…