Chapter 1
This is the beginning page of Chapter One.
REMEMBER: University requirements supercede all other requirements when typing your project or thesis
The margins must be 1.
” from the left hand side and one inch from the top, bottom and right side of the page. The page numbers for all pages will be in the upper right hand corner.
RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGINS. “Chapter” is typed in upper and lower case.
Double-Double space (4 spaces total) after “Cha pter.” The chapter title is typed in all capital letters. Put four spaces after the chapter title and between sections. BEGIN TEXT.
Indent paragraphs five spaces.
Double space all text in the body of the project. The only exceptions to this rule are long quotations, tables and references. Double space between references. There should only be one space after periods. Put 4 spaces between sections.
Centered Titles
The first level under the chapter title is the Capitalized Centered Title. This divides your text into manageable sections. The “normal” sections of Chapter 1 are:
Purpose of the Project (or Study), Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Project
(or Study), Limitations, Definition of Terms and Organization of the Project/Study.
Side Titles
Side titles, as above, are the next level of headings. Three single spaces follow the end of the paragraph prior to side titles. Doubl e space after the side title. If a side title is more than 25 characters long, split the title into two (or three) lines, single spaced.
. Paragraph subtitles are the third level of headings. This level is used when you need to break down the information into categories under the side title.
Format and Style for the Department of Child Development
The Department of Child Development requires that projects and theses be submitted in the format of the American Psychological Association (APA), 5 th edition
Citations: Reference citing is the style preferred by APA. An example of reference citing is as follows: Jones (1997) stated that....