Student name: Krutarth Mehta
Date: 13/3
Relevant to: 2.5.2. Describe photosynthesis in terms of inputs, outputs and energy transformations.
Criteria to be assessed: PL, DCP, DEC.
Photosynthesis is the reaction carried out by green plants to produce a supply of food. The reactions occur in the chloroplasts and require light energy. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
In aquatic plants, the production of oxygen can be used to measure the rate of photosynthesis as the oxygen bubbles can be observed and counted or collected and measured.
Your task is to design an experiment to investigate one of the factors that affects photosynthesis. Once you have chosen which factor you are going to change then you should, if necessary, do some research to find out the best way to change this variable. Remember to think about how much data you need to collect to be able to draw meaningful conclusions and then how many repeats you might want to include making your results more reliable. Explaining why you have chosen to do each step will help ensure you meet all the criteria.
Assessment criteria expectations:
PL: (planning)
• State a focussed research question and identify the relevant variables.
• Design a method for the control of variables.
• Describe a method that allows for the collection of sufficient relevant data.
• Systematically collect appropriate quantitative and qualitative data including units.
• Process the quantitative data correctly.
• Present processed data appropriately and effectively to assist analysis.
• Discussion is clear and well reasoned, showing a broad understanding of context and implications of results.
• State a reasonable conclusion with a correct explanation, based on the data.
• Identify weaknesses and limitations and suggest realistic improvements