Innovation - in-no-va-tion the act or process of inventing or introducing something new, a new invention or way o doing something creativity process
The Creative Process has six phases…
Inspiration: In which you research and generate many ideas
This is the research or idea-generation phase. The process is uninhibited and characterised by spontaneity, experimentation, intuition, and risk-taking.
Clarification: In which you focus on your goals
The aim here is to clarify the purpose or objective of the work. It is easy to lose your sense of direction while dealing with detailed difficulties in creative work. So you need occasionally to disengage from these obstacles and ask "what exactly am I trying to do?".
Evaluation: In which you review your work and learn from it
In the evaluation phase you examine your work for strengths and weaknesses. Then you need to consider how the work could be improved, by removing weaknesses but also by capitalising on its strengths. Then there will probably need to be another perspiration phase to respond positively to the suggestions for improvement. Perspiration and evaluation phases often alternate to form a cycle.
Distillation: In which you decide which of your ideas to work on
Here ideas from the inspiration phase are sifted through and evaluated usually in the light of the findings of a clarification phase. The best ideas are chosen for further development, or are combined into even better ideas.
This is a self-critical phase. It requires cool analysis and judgment rather than slap-happy spontaneity.
Incubation: In which you leave the work alone
Incubation' is particularly useful after an 'inspiration' or a 'perspiration' phase, or if a problem