Film of the 1930’s was labeled “The Golden Age of Hollywood.” Movies were being made with sound and color, new genres included gangster, musicals, news reporting, historical biopics, social-realism, lightheartedscrewball comedies, western, and horror. It was the revival of documentaries and other non-fiction, especially with World War II beginning. Many famous actors started their careers in acting during this time. John Wayne had his first major role in …show more content…
Two years after it was invented it brought in 60 million dollars a year. Cheap radios were $8, fairly nice ones were $50, and top of the line radios were $500 which would be equivalent to $7365.36 today. In the dawn of the 1930’s, 50 percent of people owned a radio and there were 500 radio stations across the United States. During the day when the dads were at work and the kids were at school, moms would be entertained by the romance and dramas, now referred to as soap operas, which were only aired during the day time. During the day when soap operas were airing, they would advertise things that housewives would commonly need, such as laundry soap and cleaning supplies, which is how the term term “Soap Opera” arrived. After school when the kids would be getting home, action and adventure shows were aired such as the The Shadow. During the evening, programs that the whole family would enjoy were aired, like The Lone Ranger, Jack Benny, and news programs. The most popular voice of that time was Franklin Roosevelt with his “Fireside Chats”, which helped the people feel closer to their president than ever