entrepreneurs born or made?
The following assignment will critically evaluate the statement to whether entrepreneurs are born or made. The Business Dictionary (2014) defines an entrepreneur as “Someone who exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the decision maker, decides what, how, and how much of a good or service will be produced.” There is a debate as to whether or not there is such a thing as an ‘entrepreneur gene’ or are entrepreneurs taught and made through experience. Richard Baister (2007) states that “being an entrepreneur is not a job; it’s a lifestyle. People going into business need to have the energy, enthusiasm and motivation to carry them through the inevitable challenges they will face”. These challenges can be hard work, very stressful, involve working long hours and often on their own. The question is whether or not the skills required are learnt or inherited. There are many factors that can lead to entrepreneurship which can be described as push and pull factors, a push factor for example is someone that has been made redundant and has a job that they don’t want to be in and a pull factor is an attraction that has pulled you into it for example not wanting to work for an employer or money. Richard Branson a famous international entrepreneur states that “entrepreneurs are born and are ready to go into the business world willingly but there those who hold back and need some encouragement”. Richard didn’t need to have qualifications to get where he is; it was the ideas and the traits that he believes he has and all entrepreneurs have. According to John Rampton (2014) he also believes there are five common personality traits shared by entrepreneurs. They are
• Passion-driven by an idea that they have
• Resilience-never gives up
• Strong self-belief – being self-confident, self-motivated
• Flexibility- adapt to change easily
• Vision- always looking at ways to improve or develop their idea
In an interview with Lucie
References: Mitchell, L (2014) ‘Nature or nurture: Are entrepreneurs born or made?’ Available at: http://www.businesszone.co.uk/topic/business-trends/nature-or-nurture-are-entrepreneurs-born-or-made/55263 (Accessed 23rd November 2014)
Entrepreneur (2014),” Richard Branson on Common Misconceptions About Becoming an Entrepreneur” Available at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/237036 (Accessed 14th December 2014)
Forbes (2014),” 5 Personality Traits of an Entrepreneur” Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2014/04/14/5-personality-traits-of-an-entrepreneur/ (Accessed 12th December 2914)
Famous Entrepreneurs (2014), Bill Gates, Available at: http://www.famous-entrepreneurs.com/bill-gates (Accessed 12th December 2014)
The Best You Magazine (2014), “Is Alan Sugar a self-made man, or was he born brilliant?” Available at: http://thebestyoumagazine.co/is-alan-sugar-a-self-made-man-or-was-he-born-brilliant/ (Accessed 11thDecember 2014)
Virgin Entrepreneur (2014), “Are you the Next Richard Branson?” Available at: http://www.virgin.com/entrepreneur/are-you-next-richard-branson (Accessed 12th December 2014)
The School for Start-ups (2014), “The Myth Of The Natural Entrepreneur” Available at: http://www.schoolforstartups.co.uk/the-myth-of-the-natural-entrepreneur/ ( Accessed 14th December 2014)
http://www.businesszone.co.uk/topic/business-trends/nature-or-nurture-are-entrepreneurs-born-or-made/55263 DOUG RICHARds