Study Guide
1. What is biodiversity? What is the underlying cause of biodiversity?
2. Biological diversity involves the following concepts. Explain each: Genetic diversity Habitat/ecosystem diversity Species diversity
3. Why is biodiversity high in some places but low in others?
4. List 3 ways diversity is important.
5. What is the only reason why things are becoming extinct at such a fast rate?
6. What are the characteristics of an endangered species?
7. Explain in situ vs ex situ.
8. List 3 endangered species.
9. Summarize the Endangered Species Act.
10. How do scientists account for the development of life on earth?
11. What is biological evolution by natural selection, and how can it account for the current diversity of organisms on the earth?
12. How can geologic processes, climate change and catastrophes affect biological evolution?
13. What is an ecological niche, and how does it help a population adapt to changing the environmental conditions?
14. How do extinction of species and formation of new species affect biodiversity?
15. What is the future of evolution, and what role should humans play in this future?
16. How did we become such a powerful species in a short time?
17. How have human activities affected the earth’s biodiversity?
18. How should forest resources be used, managed, and sustained globally and in the United States?
19. How serious is tropical deforestation, and how can we help sustain tropical forests?
20. How should rangeland resources be used, managed, and sustained?
21. What problems do parks face, and how should we manage them?
22. How should we establish, design, protect, and manage terrestrial nature reserves?
23. What is wilderness, and why is it important?
24. What is ecological restoration, and why is it important?
25. What can we do to