Brock Q. Griffin
September 04, 2013
Jeremy Pope
Environmental and Consumer Influences Analysis
People should not be locked into the use of one or two categories of products, therefore companies have to expand their brands to fit into the lives of consumers. People are unique and so are the preferences of their needs and wants. A basic product such as laundry detergent that so many consumers use on a continuing basis can be affected solely by the consumer. There are many factors that influence consumer purchases, psychological and social being the main facts. Everything from motives, perception and attitudes contribute to the influence consumer behavior toward the products. I want to explore three external factor traits and the effects they have on a social, ecological and cultural consumer plain. Cultural The factors that influence consumer behavior toward laundry detergent purchases are personal and from family among other. It is almost guaranteed that whatever detergent that was used in the house during their childhood will be the detergent they buy in their adult age. Ironically they can choose from more than 80 different laundry detergents in the United States. Personality also can have an impact on choice, however which brand they decide to purchase is what they will purchase on a consistent basis, is generally a recognizable order and regularity to cultural behavior. When dealing with consumers from two different cultural backgrounds are married then they have to make a compromise. This in turn creates a new cultural purchasing desire for the next generation. From the perspective side of it when growing up the thought and idea of laundry soap does not appeal to you. All you know is that your clothes are clean and they smell good. As you get older your perspective changes and you take notice of the brand use and how effectively it works. Once out on your own
References: Household Care. (2012). Retrieved from Proctor and Gamble: Laundry Products: Laundry Detergents. (2012, March 12). Retrieved from The United States Environmental Protection Agency: Psychological Factors. (2012). Retrieved from Medical onditions: Bagozzi, R. P., Gurhan-Canli, Z., & Priester, J. R. (2002). The Social Psychology of Consumer Behaviour. Philadelphia: Pearson. Cherry, K. (n.d.). What Is Personality? Retrieved from Psychology: Cherry, K. (n.d.). What Is Social Psychology? Retrieved from Psychology: Chapter 5: Perception and Individual Decision Making. (n.d.). Retrieved from California State University, Sacraimento: Schiffman, L. G., & Kanuk, L. L. (2010). Consumer Behavior. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Pearson.