Where can you see examples of biodiversity?
I understand that this question is in general, but I always try to look around in my community, where I live, and not just in a broad sense of the word. So specifically here in Seattle, there are numerous examples of biodiversity in my community, and all around me.
Cedar River Watershed Biodiversity
Lichens and mosses on felsenmeer
The Cedar River Watershed is a cross-section of habitat from the central Cascade Mountains crest to the Puget Sound lowlands. It provides protection to a rich biological diversity.
The watershed contains old-growth and second-growth forest, a variety of non-forested terrestrial habitats, and numerous streams and lakes.
Discover the watershed’s biodiversity through a tour of our habitats.
The watershed provides a rare opportunity to preserve and restore biodiversity in western Washington. The City of Seattle is actively assessing and documenting its current biodiversity to serve as a regional benchmark and to help implement its habitat restoration activities under the Habitat Conservation Plan.
Watershed habitats and species:
· Habitats
· Fish
· Birds
· Mammals
· Amphibians & Reptiles
· Plants & Fungi
Note: The Cedar River Watershed referred to in these web pages consists of the upper two-thirds of the hydrologic watershed, which is almost entirely under City of Seattle ownership. The lower third of the watershed, downstream of Landsburg, is largely under private ownership in unincorporated King County.
Seattle Public Utilities. (2013). Retrieved from http://www.seattle.gov/util/EnvironmentConservation/Education/CedarRiverWatershed/CedarRiverBiodiversity/index.htm What is its importance on the environment? Many people may support environmental causes to help preserve the “beauty” of Nature. However, that is in a strange way, not really a justifiable excuse