The natural environment is highly populated with microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protista and several others. Microorganisms are microscopic in size and vary shape. They are found in the air, in water, on land and on other organisms such as humans and pets. Many microorganisms grow at rapid speeds and can be harmful and cause diseases. Although microorganisms may cause harm, society benefits from microorganisms in many ways. Microorganisms are necessary for the production of antibiotics, vitamins, vaccines and food such as bread and cheese. Dues to its important role in society the study of microorganisms, Microbiology, has become widespread.
Microorganisms collected for study can be grown and visualized in both liquid and solid growth media. The purpose of the media is to provide all of the necessary nutrients for microorganisms to live and reproduce. Although the reproduction of harmful bacteria may be hazardous, it is necessary for microbiologists to grow high populations of bacteria in the attempt to study the causes and provide prevention methods for spreading harmful bacterium. The purpose of this lab was to collect and observe microorganisms from the environment and the human body and placing into the appropriate media using aseptic transfer techniques. The necessity and value of collecting, identifying and analyzing is critical for learning how diseases are acquired, spread and therefore prevented.
Sterile nutrient agar petri dish Wax Pencil Lens paper
Sterile blood agar petri dish Igniter Immersion oil
Sterile cotton swabs Crystal violet dye Pen
Incubator Grams iodine Paper
Refrigerator Alcohol acetone
Distilled water Safranin dye
Inoculating loop Sink
Bunsen burner Wire rack
Gas connection Paper towels
Sterile microscope slides Light Microscope