A television series celebrating its tenth season, 19 kids and counting shows a family with the achievement of 19 kids. The entertainment industry first chose to broadcast the birth of three children and made it a show when they were at 17 kids. Since then the Duggar family has welcomed two additional children into their family along with two grandchildren from their oldest child. The entertainment industry displays this family for entertainment purposes. Individuals who continue to watch the show also view it as only entertainment. Among the events that affect environmental psychology, overpopulation is a concern that people lack awareness. Overpopulation can produce many risks on the environment and human behavior.
Population increase is a growing concern. The United States Census Bureau processes information concerning the population. In the 2010 census report, the United States experienced a 9.7% increase in population. In the 2000 census report, the United States population was 281.4 million people. The 9.7% increase brought the population up to 308.7 million people in 2010 (United States Census Bureau, 2011). Global fertility is an issue that affects the population growth. According to Powell (2012) if the population rate were to continue at the present pace, the world would have an approximate increase of 20 billion people. The smallest increase or decrease can affect the population drastically.
A brief article written by the Natural Resources Defense Council (2012) discusses the concern about people living in sustainable communities. A sustainable community is an area that grows in a healthy way. People preserve the air, water, land, and other resources by managing transportation and housing. The article states the benefits of building large communities and the ways that communities can hurt the environment. According to the NRDC (2012), communities help to reduce the amount of pollution and consumption for each