brought to light is the lead contamination found in the water supply of a town named Flint, in Michigan State. "Environmental decisions are often related to political power. In some cities, garbage incinerators have been built in African-American neighborhoods that do not have the political clout to block them. In Michigan, where blacks are 14 percent of the population and the state government is dominated by Republicans, Flint has little political power," (By John Eligon, Nytimes). The contamination of the water supply was caused by the decision to switch the city's water source to the Flint River to save Flint millions of dollars. The priority for the republican running Flint at that time was not the concern of the residents and their children health, but the need to save money. It is concerning that at such advanced times we still have environmental racism in our communities. Evidently, political power and money still governs most of the decisions made in regards to things like health and who should received the best commodities. Environmental concerns such as toxic wastes and pollution are mostly common in minority's communities because of their lack of resources and say in the political level. Environmental racism is a global issue that needs to be dealt with to improve the quality of life for the majority of the population in today's society.
brought to light is the lead contamination found in the water supply of a town named Flint, in Michigan State. "Environmental decisions are often related to political power. In some cities, garbage incinerators have been built in African-American neighborhoods that do not have the political clout to block them. In Michigan, where blacks are 14 percent of the population and the state government is dominated by Republicans, Flint has little political power," (By John Eligon, Nytimes). The contamination of the water supply was caused by the decision to switch the city's water source to the Flint River to save Flint millions of dollars. The priority for the republican running Flint at that time was not the concern of the residents and their children health, but the need to save money. It is concerning that at such advanced times we still have environmental racism in our communities. Evidently, political power and money still governs most of the decisions made in regards to things like health and who should received the best commodities. Environmental concerns such as toxic wastes and pollution are mostly common in minority's communities because of their lack of resources and say in the political level. Environmental racism is a global issue that needs to be dealt with to improve the quality of life for the majority of the population in today's society.