Matthew R. Lower
For as many people that are inhabiting this planet, there are as many opinions in regards to meeting the needs of our race, and maintaining an ecological baseline that is healthy. As there are many differing worldviews on how to meet this demand, most are able to fall into three categories of thought.
• Earth Wisdom
• Stewardship
• Planetary Management
Although all three have conservation principles in mind, they have clear distinctions that set them apart, as well as the motives for the conservation of Earth’s resources.
• Environmental world view
• Biocentrism
• Earth wisdom
• Planetary Management
• Stewardship
As each and every person has their own set of views and beliefs of the world and the environment around them, there can be common values that they share with one another. With these shared values come groups of thought that are born from the agreeing of one person with another on how they should behave when it comes to the environment and the utilization of it. While one group may believe that we are fatefully intertwined and bound to nature, the other may say that the resources surrounding us are akin to the reigns around a horse, used to control and benefit the master of them. …show more content…
Though many throw caution to the wind and begin deconstructing the ecosystems around them, many also believe in the absolute preservation of the environment surrounding them.
Choosing instead to not only think of themselves, but also their land as if it was as much a part of society as one of their own people. Those who follow this worldview choose to incorporate ecocentric practices that do not tread upon the diversity or fragility of the many ecosystems. They not only practice these teachings for the sake of the environment, but as well for themselves as they believe that it can be incorporated into our own lives as
Of course, not all share such a “rosy” outlook on the environment. Others choose to fall into a utilitarian mindset, believing the value of something is measured by its ability to serve us, either as a commodity or a harvestable resource. People of this following also believe that there are no equals to us as a species, and use this as reasoning to step on everything else indiscriminately. Above all else, progress is the main goal in mind for them. As long as the impacts of a deteriorating environment are kept behind a wall, Ex. “The Lorax,” not a one will bat an eye as long their daily luxuries are still there the next day. And here we arrive, somewhere in the middle. These “middle-roaders” take to the principle of stewardship. These stewards believe they are also masters of this world, but as masters, they believe in responsibility of their position and as such seek to safeguard what it is that we have been bestowed. And with this oversight in place, we’d be able to sustainably harvest many of these resources with little worry to draining them. In that, they believe strongly in conservation of these finite resources and also that of the Earth wisdom ideology of incorporation of the environment into the planning of technology, industry, and society.