In the first column, 0° C, each well had low enzyme activity. In the second column, 25° C, the results displayed the enzyme actively low as well. In group 5, the enzyme was hydrolyzing the starch moderately, which is how the enzyme is supposed to react. In the third column, 55° C, each well displayed the enzyme hydrolyzing the starch at a low pace once again. And lastly, the fourth column, 85° C, the enzyme properly denatured due to the high temperature. Bacterial Amylase’s optimal temperature is 55° C. In the first column, each well displayed barely any enzyme activity meaning the enzymes were denatured. In the second and third column, the enzyme was reasonably active and starch hydrolysis was occurring. And lastly, the last column all enzymes were denatured. The control in the experiment was the first row, or 0 minutes, because the Starch was not mixed in with Amylase at that point proving that starch turns into a black complex and comparisons were
In the first column, 0° C, each well had low enzyme activity. In the second column, 25° C, the results displayed the enzyme actively low as well. In group 5, the enzyme was hydrolyzing the starch moderately, which is how the enzyme is supposed to react. In the third column, 55° C, each well displayed the enzyme hydrolyzing the starch at a low pace once again. And lastly, the fourth column, 85° C, the enzyme properly denatured due to the high temperature. Bacterial Amylase’s optimal temperature is 55° C. In the first column, each well displayed barely any enzyme activity meaning the enzymes were denatured. In the second and third column, the enzyme was reasonably active and starch hydrolysis was occurring. And lastly, the last column all enzymes were denatured. The control in the experiment was the first row, or 0 minutes, because the Starch was not mixed in with Amylase at that point proving that starch turns into a black complex and comparisons were