Hypothesis The pH of a substrate and an enzyme determine the amount of product that is formed.
1. With a china marker label 7 test tubes 5a-5g
2. Lay the test tubes against a metric ruler and mark lines indicating 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, at the bottom of each test tube.
3. Put your test tubes to the location of the phosphate buffer series and fill each tube according to the following direction.
4. Continue your work area and add 1cm of potato extract obtaining catechol oxidase to each of the seven tubes.
5. Add 1% catechol to each of the 7 test tubes, bringing the total volume to the 6c mark. Agitate the contents of the tubes using a vortex mixer if available.
6. At time 0, record the relative color intensity of each tube immediately after adding the 1% catechol.
7. Place the tubes in 40’C water bath.
8. Agitate the tubes periodically over the next ten minutes
Results : Effect of pH on enzyme activity. Time
5c(pH6) …show more content…
1. Half fill one 400mL beaker with tap water. Add a few boiling chips and turn on the hotplate to the highest temperature setting or if your lab is equipped with burners light the burner. Bring the water to a boil and then turn the heat down so that the water continues to boil.
2. Put 150mL of tap water into a second beaker and add ice to the water.
3. Half fill a third beaker with water from the source at room temperature
4. With a china marker label 6 test tubes 4a-4e.
5. Lay the test tubes against a metric ruler and mark off line indicating 1cm and 2cm from the bottom of each tube.
6. Fill each tube to the 1cm mark with potato extract containing catechol oxidase.
7. A. Place tube 4a in the 400mL beaker of ice water B. Place test tube 4b in the 400mL beaker of room temperature water. C. Place tube 4c in the 40’C beaker water bath. D. Place tube 4d in the 70’C mL beaker water bath. E. Place test tube 4e in the 100’C mL beaker water bath.
8. Allow the test tubes to remain at the various temperatures for 5 minutes.
9. Take out the tubes and add catechol on the 2cm line on each. Agitate the tubes the mix the