
Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper

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Epic Of Gilgamesh Research Paper
The fifth woman that I will be discussing is Siduri. She was a bartender that Gilgamesh meets on his adventure into the Underworld. At first she closes the bar so that he cannot come in but Gilgamesh demands her to let him in. After letting Gilgamesh in, he lets all of his feelings out about the death of his friend Enkidu to Siduri. She then comforts him and tells Gilgamesh not to pursue to become immortal and just enjoy life. Immortal is the ability to live for forever. Siduri is also the one who tells Gilgamesh that he should go to Utnapishtim. The sixth woman that I will be discussing was not named in the epic of Gilgamesh but we know her by Utnapishtim’s wife. She plays a very significant role in the story because she is the one who convinces her husband, Utnapishtim, to share the secret of “how the old man becomes a young man.” In the epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim says, “There is a plant that grows under the water, it has a prickle like a thorn, like a rose; it will wound your hands, but if you succeed in …show more content…
This article points out which particular female roles that help Gilgamesh on his journey. The article, “The Feminine Principle in the Initiation of Gilgamesh – Kingship and Knowledge,” also makes light out the feminine roles such as the roles of the harlot, Shamhat, and the goddess Aruru. Also in this article, they believe that one reason why Gilgamesh develops wisdom is because of the women throughout his life which also turns Gilgamesh for the better. Augustina say, “The feminine characters of the epic, gravitating around the king’s figure, play an essential role in his education, and their presence is one of great importance in the development of Gilgamesh’s transformation” (Cojocaru 9). The author of this article believes that he became a better noble king because of

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