TO: Dr. I. Rolle, Instructor, Principles of Epidemiology | PHE5015 S01
FROM: Ferris Corbett, Master of Public Health Student
DATE: November 12, 2016
SUBJECT: Views on Epidemiology
According to Aschengrau (2014), study what causes a disease and how it spreads along with the rate of occurrence within the human populations; in addition to applying what is learned from this study to help regulate health issues is what is known as epidemiology.
Health Care in General
My view of epidemiology when it comes to the health care in general with addressing health concerns in the United States and abroad is that epidemiology takes on a number of angles. In terms of health care in general, epidemiology helps with understanding and discovering the source(s) behind and disease and exactly how a particular disease spreads within a community. This is because epidemiology helps to identify the agent that causes a disease, the host in which the agent can live, and those factors within the environment which has an impact of the health of individuals in the community. In addition to this, epidemiology delivers a systematic foundation towards preventing further occurrences and/or recurrence of the disease as well as being beneficial with implementing health promotion programs geared towards disease prevention …show more content…
I view epidemiology as being the leading source behind the practice of public health. The fundamental function of epidemiology in terms of public health is a systematized effort of the community designed towards the prevention of disease and advocacy of health that is linked to a number disciplines and a methodical principal of epidemiology (Havenman-Nies et al., 2011). I view this as the collaboration of several healthcare experts and methodology used to prevent public health illness and encouraging healthy practices and lifestyle towards disease prevention and