If the epidural anesthesia needed to reduce the pain of labor and delivery had been packaged in a bag whose cap did not fit onto the main IV, no one could have put it directly into the bloodstream instead of the epidural space around the spine. If, as in some hospitals, two nurses check and double-check IV bags before they are hooked up to the main pump, this reduces the likelihood of error.…
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin, provides the tools and techniques for a mother-to-be’s birth partner to support her during her labor. The author provides all the necessary details of the process of carrying and birthing a baby, and the role that the birth partner is to play. The Birth Partner examines all the technicalities of delivering a baby-- from the start to the finish. Simkin provides the reader with the essential supplies for mother and baby as well as the ‘to how’ when faced with a potential emergency or departure from the “plan” of delivery. The reader can expect to be well prepared for supporting a birthing woman once they’ve read this book.…
Baby reflection After reading the informative article, The First Ache, by Annie Murphy Paul a couple of times, I came to conclusion that Paul is bias. To the extent that she and three of the research doctors, Dr. Anand,Mr. Fisk and Dr. Paschall all feel that fetal pain exists. Although Annie Paul does present an article and comments written by Dr. Mark Rosen that “pain perception probably does not function before the third trimester”. Dr Rosen also asserted, that “the fetus’s higher pain pathways are not yet fully developed and functional”. Although Annie Paul tries to present both sides of the argument,I strongly feel that she is one sided and firmly believes that fetuses and newborn infants experience pain as early as 20 weeks of gestation.…
* Which topic did you choose? * * Best practices for pain assessment and management in specified area of practice *…
This nursing article analyzes women’s reactions and experiences with a second childbirth following a traumatic first birthing experience. Beck and Watson (2010) state that a successive childbirth could either aide in the healing process or have the potential to re-open old wounds and make healing harder. The research method used was Phenomenology, which used information from 35 women from across the globe. “In phenomenology, researchers ‘‘borrow’’ other individuals’ experiences to better understand the deeper meaning of the phenomenon” (Beck & Watson, 2010, p. 243).…
Antenatal factors also influence the development of the baby, as during the pregnancy the mother may have taken illegal drugs or alcohol. This can cause the baby to develop an addiction; due to this they will have to be weaned off of it. Infections can also pass through the umbilical cord such as rubella, which can leave the baby deaf or blind when born. When the baby is being delivered, there may be complications which can affect the baby's health such as lack of oxygen. This can be caused by the umbilical cord becoming entangled. As a result of this, the baby can be left with permanent brain damage. Using analgesic drugs during labour is also a risk.…
As the move towards evidence based medicine continues to progress, research of interventions in the labor process are becoming more and more common. “The Relationship Between Cesarean Section and Labor Induction” by Barbara Wilson, Judith Efken, and Richard Butler is an examination and clarification of how system and patient characteristics have an effect on the association between cesarean section and induction of labor. While many studies have included patient characteristics; the influence of individual providers and hospitals has not been examined.…
My insatiable appetite for knowledge coupled with compassion and commitment to nursing shape my desire to pursue a DNP in nurse anesthesia. Clinical rotations in OR as a close observer during an open Heart Surgery at the IMMC, while a student at the DePaul University also afforded me opportunity to see administration anesthetic drugs by a CRNA. In concretizing my interest to purse a DNP in Nurse Anesthesia, nothing can be more absolute than witnessing the births of our three children and the joy that they have brought in to my life. I saw firsthand as the nurse anesthetist administered the epidural…
Visser, L (2001) ‘Epidural Anaesthesia’ Update in Anaesthesia, 13(11) pp 1- 4.Nda[online] Available at : http://www.nda.ox.ac.uk/wfsa (Accessed: 21 March, 2008).…
The most common side effect is a drop in blood pressure. This effect is almost universal and is usually preemted by administering IV fluids before placeing an epidural. Other common side effects of epidurals include inability to pass urine for up to 2/3 of women. Opiate drugs can cause unexspected breathing difficulties…
The most common procedure is the vacuum aspiration involving anaesthesia. The cervix is gently dilated, which may cause a sensation similar to menstrual cramping, a narrow tube is inserted through the vagina and cervix to the uterus so then pregnancy and contents of the uterine internal lining are vacuumed out. The risks involved with this are side effects including nausea, cramping, sweating and feeling faint. Rare side effects are heavy or prolong bleeding, blood clots, damage to the cervix and perforation of the uterus. Infections can occur due to remaining tissue or due to an STD or bacteria that has been introduced into the uterus, these can cause fever, pain, abdominal tenderness and potential scar tissue. Dilation and extraction is another surgical procedure. This involves a luminaria to be inserted vaginally to dilate the cervix two days before the procedure. This causes the water to break on the third day. The fetus is rotated and forceps are used to grasp and pull the legs, shoulders and arms through the birth canal. A small incision is made at the base of the skull to allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the cerebral material until the skull collapses. The fetus is then completely removed. The side effects are the same as dilation and evacuation. However, there is an increased chance of emotional problems from the reality of more advanced fatal…
Sometime ago, women face childbirth with fear and anxieties. They knew that childbirth could be a difficult and sometimes extremely dangerous experience for women and babies. “During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, between 1 percent and 1.5 percent of all births ended in the mother’s death. A mother’s lifetime chances of dying in childbirth ran as high as 1 in 8…
One of the other definite pros of the Lamaze classes was learning about the epidural. We learnt how it is put in and some the positive and negative things about having one. I knew that I would probably want to request one when the pain got to be too much but I did have my doubts because I have heard a lot of negatives things about epidurals in the past. Fortunately, my instructor was able to put my worries to rest by educating me further on the topic and giving me enough confidence in epidurals that I decided if I was able to get one during labor I would. I am happy to say I have no regrets on the epidural, whatsoever.…
Cocaine use during pregnancy can cause placental problems, including placental abruption. In this condition, the placenta pulls away from the wall of the uterus before labor begins. This will lead to heavy bleeding that can be life threatening for both mother and baby. The baby may be deprived of oxygen and adequate blood flow when an abruption occurs. Prompt cesarean delivery, however; can prevent most deaths but may not prevent serious complications for the baby caused by lack of oxygen (March of Dimes Foundation,…
3. Adverse events that may include medication errors, infection acquired from surgrery, falls while in hospitals, uncontrolled pain or wrong procedures undertaken.(Dempsey, French, Hillege, Wilson. 2009,p.681)…