November 14, 2008
Epilepsy is a condition in which seizures are triggered recurrently from within the brain. 1 A seizure is a sudden, transient disturbance of brain function, manifested by involuntary motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic phenomena, alone or in any combination, often accompaniec by alteration or loss of consciousness and may occur after a metabolic, traumatic, anoxic, or infectious insult to the brain. 2 The epilepsy is considered to be present when two or more unprovoked seizures occur at interval greater than 24 hour apart. 1 The chance of having a second seizure after an intial unprovoked episode is 30 %. 2 Pinzon R reported that prevalence of epilepsy in children is ranged about 3 to 11 persons of 1000 people and the CDC reported that the prevalence of epilepsy in United States on age less than 15 years old on 1994 is ranged about 4 of 1000 people 3 that making the incidence is still quite high in childhood ages.
Although the prognosis for majority of children with symptomatic seizures or those associated with epilepsy is generally good, 4 seizures may signal a potentially serious underlying systemic or central nervous system (CNS) disorder that requires thorough investigation and management. 1,5 In many cases, the underlying disorder must be identified to aid in clasifying the seizure for leading to the diagnosis, and treated in order to control the seizures and prevent further brain dysfunction. 1,3,6 An incorrect diagnosis of a seizure disorder can have many negative consequences for the patient, including expensive and potentially toxic medication regimens, development of psychiatric disorder, uncontrolled recurrent seizures, and poor quality of life (QoL) of the patient. 1,3,5,6
Epilepsy in Children: A Brief review
November 14, 2008
II.1. Definitions
The epileptic syndromes (table 1) and types of seizures