The person with Epilepsy has responsibilities also, so there is no full blame on people around. The person with Epilepsy gets privileges taken away for a certain amount of time which is usually six months seizure free and the most common are driving, taking baths, and swimming alone. The people around have to make sure if the person with epilepsy has a seizure that they move away anything that can hurt the person and move the person on their side. People think they can try to stop the person, but in reality they can not so the seizure just has to play itself out and if it lasts longer than five minutes that is when the people around need to seek medical …show more content…
They want to show somebody that people can get through things. It really helps people to grow and get through something difficult in life. They make people see more positive side to life and to live life to the fullest. People want to succeed in so many things and having illness’ or minor or major setbacks should not have an impact on how somebody lives their life. Having epilepsy has definitely taught me to stay on top of all my things in life such as school and my career plans because they still are possible to reach even with an illness. Also, I have learned to really live life to the fullest no matter what the situation is because everyone can get through their toughest battle. There are going to be so many things in the future that are going to put some setbacks on plans people make, but it is all going to be