A fatal decision between a group of patients and a 9 year old child. Althea has a rare blood type that is compatible with all the blood types and with her blood, could save many patients. Her mother Amyntas is in fear of her child dying because if the procedure goes on the death is guaranteed. While the doctor is making the final decision, the patients are awaiting their death. Who will continue to live on and whose thread will be cut short by the fates?
Chorus: When life is going to be lost either way, the decision will be difficult to make. While some may say that a child’s life is more precious, others want more lives to be saved.
Althea: Amyntas, I want to save those people! Those three could live if I went …show more content…
You cannot make good decisions for yourself; you don't know Athena’s wise or seen the many moons of Diana that I have.
Althea: I know you want the best, but if you really cared about me, if you really loved me you would respect me in my choice. This is my fate.
Amyntas: There is certain death that awaits you should you do so. I will not allow your inexperience and immaturity to meet your supposéd fate. My motherly say is No.
Althea: You are so selfish. I'd have believed more time would be so fair to others. I'm but a child and yet I have a selflessness you don't. I actually care for others.
Amyntas: I will not apologize for protecting my child! If that is your wish perhaps a night in dark silence; a proxied meeting with Hades, will convince you otherwise...go to your room and don't bother to come down for …show more content…
Perhaps she should pay a visit to Apollo, who may pass on his wisdom and common sense.
Chorus- Antistrophe:
Amyntas, thinking of her own flesh and blood, is trying a way to save her daughter. Understanding that the other three patients are the offspring of other parents like herself, she still wishes that her daughter will be the one to live. As selfless as the act is, Amyntas can not lose her daughter even though it means that three people must die. Her motherly instinct is causing her to think irrationally.
Chorus leader- Strophe 2-
Althea, raised selflessly by Amyntas, understands and is willing to sacrifice her life for the other patients. Even though Amyntas is usually benevolent and kind, she is biased in this situation since Althea will die if she goes through with her decision.
Chorus- Antistrophe 2-
There’s no guarantee that we can change the mind of one whose decision is made up, but the doctor, whom many look up to and who knows what’s best for the masses, may be able to sway her mind. The final decision fall upon her in the end.