Ennestia Owens
Equal Inclusion Case Law
Brown V. Board of Education The Brown V. Board of Education made African Americans and other race be able to be in classes with whites. The law passed in 1954 but was filed in 1950so it took four years to pass the law. It took 14 families’ to help pass this law and them to notice they were breaking the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S Constitution. The Brown V. Board of Education case did not help special need students because some of them felt like since they were not educable they did not belong in school.
Parc V. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania A case against the state of Pennsylvania was tooking on to help special needs in 1971. The plaintiff showed that students with special needs need to learn just like any other student. They also showed that the younger the student is able to attend school the more it helps them. The state of Pennsylvania agreed to let the students from 6 to 21 years old be able to attend school for free.
Mills V. Board of Education The District of Columbia allowed students with behavior problems, hyperactivity, epilepsy, mental retardation, and physical problems to attend school. They also had due process procedural safeguards and clearly outlined due process procedures for labeling, placement, and exclusion.
Section 504 of public Law 93-112 This law made it possible for special needs people to be able to participate in any federal funding activity. They would be able to do after school activity’s football and any other activity’s that they liked. The only thing that may stop them from them from participating is if their disability stops them from learning the skills.
Public Law 94-142 This law helps special need students from the age of 3 to 21 years old attend school for free. They also help the parent of the student understand the disability and progress of the children. Each student receives an IEP to let the student and parent