Organisational Behaviour
Equal opportunities versus diversity management
Executive Summary:
To gain insight into equal opportunities and diversity management we will define them. We will then look at the differences between the two statements. By gaining knowledge around the differences we will investigate what affect it has on organisations in their efforts of improving diversity. It will be looked at in the South African context. The next step will be to look at cornerstones reach by organisations this far. As a conclusion we will look at the implications this has on management and the skills they will need to affectively manage diversity.
Equal opportunities versus diversity management:
To understand the statement of equal opportunities versus diversity management we first need to look at its definitions and what each statement means on its own.
How does one interpret equality? The promotion of equality act (4/2000) defines equality as “the full and equal enjoyment of rights and freedoms as contemplated in the Constitution and includes de jure (by right) and de facto (in fact) equality and also equality in terms of outcomes”. By reading Theo Wingrove’s book on affirmative action it becomes clear that equal opportunities derived from the term affirmative action. Vincent Williams (as quoted by Wingrove, :7) gives a good definition to substantiate this. “Affirmative action is about empowerment – about creating opportunities, mechanisms and structures to allow disempowered groups to develop their education, political, psychological and economic capacities in a sustainable manner.” In the South African content affirmative action “addresses the disadvantages caused by poor education, prejudice, segregation, job reservation, racism, lack of political rights and unequal distribution of wealth” (Wingrove, :7). However there is a very clear distinction between the two as with affirmative action it favours a designated
References: • Kreitner, R. Kinicki, A. (2008) – Organizational Behaviour, Eighth Edition. New York: McGrow –Hill/Irwin p2-62 • Wingrove, T • Thomas, R.R. (1990) From affirmative action to affirmative diversity. Harvard Business Review, 107-117. • Ehlers, L. (2005) Human resource management practice. Module reading, ABSA management development program: 2005 • Grant, T • SA. (2000) Promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination Act, 4 of 2000. Cape Town: Government Gazzette, no. 20876, 9 February 2000 • Anon (1998) Measuring diversity part 1: get the definition right and it is easy to measure • Anon (2009) Diversity Training – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. _training (date of access 21 February 2010) • Olver, K (date of access 21 February 2010) • McArthur, E.K () Managing diversity for success (date of access 21 February 2010)