The Special Education Techer, also, needs to be in contact with the general education teacher to make sure that they are teaching the expanded core curriculum. Since both the regular education teacher and the Special Education classroom teacher have a central role in Tony’s education, it's important for both teachers’ to remain in close contact about the best ways of meeting Tony’s individual needs within the classroom. The Special Education teacher can be a support to the family in meeting their needs by providing resources to outside agencies for families of children that have a visual impairment.…
Observing these videos have made me realize the responsibilities of a teacher. There is so much that is to be taken into consideration in making everything fair for the students. Many students have needs that require attention to learn appropriately. As a teacher, it is important to be creative and to make sure all the students are learning reasonably. One thing that I would emulate would be in Case #664. I would make sure my instruction addresses different cultural backgrounds. I think it was amazing how the language arts teacher spoke about the different Historic people who were African-American. I am sure she addressed other cultural backgrounds as well. From Case #243, I would avoid having a special needs teacher in my classroom for only a little while. If I had many exceptional learners in my class, I would want an inclusive classroom. This allows the special needs teacher to always be there to support the students. That would make it easier on me as the regular classroom teacher as well. A classroom environment I would love to teach in would be an environment where everything is planned and organized. When things are unorganized, it makes teaching harder. Having everything laid out will make the day go by smoother. My students will be okay with diversity in my classroom. There is no such thing as one person being better than the other. Everyone has a flaw or something they may not be good at. Discrimination will not be an option in my classroom. No one should be…
Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably than others. Equality is about the rights of the learners to attend and participate regardless of age, sex, race, gender reassignment, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage/civil partnership and pregnancy /maternity. Diversity is about recognising and being tolerant of different views which individual people have, in terms of cultural backgrounds and different lifestyle choices relating to any characteristics they may have. A diverse society is what we have as every individual has a different culture, belief and life experience to the next. Inclusion is about including all the learners in ‘relevant activities rather than excluding them for any reason either directly or indirectly’ (Gravells 2008). ‘Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning appropriate to their needs and circumstances ion a safe and healthy environment.’ (Success for all: DfES 2002). Inclusive teaching and learning is possible when promoted. In order to achieve this I combine both the training cycle and the learning styles from Kolb and Fry. These include using Concrete experience, Abstract Conceptualisation, Active Experimentation and Observation and Reflection. Learners the mixing up of which produces the learning styles that best suits a learner, ie; Converger, Diverger, Assimilator and Accommodator. By ensuring the lessons accommodate all learning styles all learners will feel inclusion. Along with the learning styles I would include relevant resource materials . If a learner requires more intervention then I may need to include the following; additional classroom support, adapted or specific resources, peer support, varied presentation, content selection, reducing or increasing time for activities Along with my…
As the landscape of special education begins to shift to school staff other than special education teachers delivering required services, special attention must be paid to the training of such staff. A variety of schools in multiple levels have seen some success in the training of paraprofessionals to deliver services to students. This is completed in a range of ways, two of the most popular are the use of special education teachers providing the training to the paraprofessional or having the paraprofessional attend workshops that can help them acquire the necessary skill…
| Foundations-Teachers must understand the field as an evolving and changing discipline based on philosophies, evidence-based principles and theories, laws and policies, diverse and historical points of view.-Teachers must also understand the influences of society on the special education field.Development of Learners-Teachers must be able to differentiate amid each student’s special disabilities and each type of learning mode.-Teachers will recognize the learning impact on students is not theirs alone but involves family and the community.-Teachers…
Rosenberg, M. S., Westling, D. L., & McLeskey, J. (2008). Special education for today’s teachers: An introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall.…
TA would help by supporting / supervising either one or a group of children with special educational needs, which would be agreed and understood before the lesson with the Teacher. This would be achieved by encouraging and giving praise to any individual who may find the lesson difficult. Recording notes during the lesson of any problems or achievements, would help to establish the how the pupil/pupils are progressing, this can then be reported back to the teacher at the end of the lesson TA would also help to prevent the class from being disrupted by acknowledging bad behaviour and dealing with the situation away from the other children being taught. If another staff member had a query for the Teacher they would step in to help rather than the teacher as to not disturb the lesson and let the teacher continue with the lesson.…
As a teacher I should know about the laws and liabilities, having another person present when attending to the personal needs of special needs learners, and I should always remember that a teacher and the students relationship has boundaries of time, place, purpose, and activity.…
Working with Special Needs Children within the classroom setting they will have different learning objectives and will require extra support.…
The Special Educational and Disabilities Act of 2001 made practitioners adapt their curriculum to enable all children to learn to their full capacity. Within my placement the year 1 teacher will use the same activity for all of the children yet there will be different levels for the children with different abilities, so no child feels isolated. The school now has to accommodate people with physical and mental disabilities, like getting ramps for wheelchair access, they have to have things clearly posted, maybe with brail, simply to aid all of the…
Administrators and teachers faces challenges when it comes to students can be a higher student to teacher ratio, when special needs students are mainstreamed into the classroom with students who are not special needs. Lack of experience that teachers and administers may have when dealing with severe special needs students.…
Rossman, G. B. & Rallis, S. F. (2006). Learning in the field: An introduction to qualitative…
Schools have policies which ensure equality and diversity in work. This polices playing important role in everyday in school and classroom. The right of all children and young people are stated in the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child 1989. So since 1991 the right of the children in UK are protected by low.…
The Special Education program serves the rural county in the mid-south region of the United States. The Special Education Program is currently serving one- hundred students in the school district (four schools). A little under half of the faculty that is in the special education program possesses a graduate degree, and the other staff members have a bachelor degree in Special Education or add-on endorsements. The paraeducators have completed the highly-qualified assessment and in-service programs. The Special Education program evaluation consist of four schools (two middle schools and two high schools) with students with disabilities with a demographic of 85% Caucasian students, 10% African American students, 1% Asian students, and 4% Hispanic…
I would first like to reflect on my topic. The main focus of the paper is to point out the advantages and benefits of having same-sex schools. Since I am for same-sex schools, the first sentence of the introduction will be general. I will quote a strong general statement that will grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more without getting bored. After that, I am planning on including one or two rhetorical questions, like: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to attend same-sex school, where your classmates are the same gender as you? The question will be followed by an answer: I have the personal experience of attending an elementary school in India that was designed for all girls. In addition, I will continue talking more about my experience and how memorable it was. Some of the things I will say are: It was different than going to a coeducation school, it benefited me by teaching me respect and good manners, I learned some important things that every child should learn and experience, such as respecting your teachers, etc. Basically, the main purpose of making the introductory paragraph strong is to convince the readers to be on the proponent’s side and to let them know what side I am taking and the reasons for doing so. That’s where my thesis statement will come in. I want to make the thesis unbiased. To do that, I will say something that shows that there are some people against same-sex schools. In addition, I want to prove my side stronger and better. For thesis, I will say: Despite the fact that some people disagree with single-gender school, I believe that same-sex school should be allowed in today 's world because it improves academic standards, eliminates distraction, and reduces violence that occur daily. That way, I am not just talking about my side and that it is the best. The word “despiteâ€? will make my statement fair.…