On April 4, we recognize Equal Pay Day which represents the extra 4 months and 4 days it takes a full-time, year round working woman to earn on average what a full-time, year round working man earns in 2017. On June 6th, we recognize the additional year and a half that working mothers have to earn to make what working fathers earn in a single year.
According to The New York Times, research shows that men’s salaries tend to receive a 6 percent bump when they have children, while women’s wages decrease by 4 percent for every child they have. The effects of the motherhood penalty are also seen on pregnant
women and women viewed as “potential mothers.” Even though mothers make less money, they are the breadwinner or co-breadwinners in nearly two-thirds of American families.
If you would like to join me in sponsoring this resolution, please complete and return to: 619 LOB; or fax to: 518-455-5560 by May 16, 2017. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact Mezhgan Rustemi at x4465.