When I was younger, my parents worked at the same job, they had the same position, yet my dad made more than my mom did, which as a child I did not understand, and as a young adult I still have yet to understand why there is even a huge wage gap still in the 21st century. My mom brought me to her work a few times as a kid and I noticed how much of a hard worker she was and then I thought about how she was making less and basically being punished because of her gender. Both of my parents are extremely hard workers, yet my mom receives a lower income compared to my dad and statistics have shown that if women wanted to ask for a raise from their boss they would be socially looked down upon for wanting equal treatment and pay. This is a form of powerlessness, which "…links to Marx's theory of socialism: some people "have" power while others "have-not""(Young 2). For example, Harriet Tubman freed many African Americans and wrote that she "would have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves"(Young 2), which connects back to how some women just settle for the lower wages because they feel that they have a job and that is enough as it is, but it is not. Women who feel that just having the same job as men and are receiving a lower income, are oppressing themselves and are just making it seem like it is perfectly reasonable to have a pay gap within our
When I was younger, my parents worked at the same job, they had the same position, yet my dad made more than my mom did, which as a child I did not understand, and as a young adult I still have yet to understand why there is even a huge wage gap still in the 21st century. My mom brought me to her work a few times as a kid and I noticed how much of a hard worker she was and then I thought about how she was making less and basically being punished because of her gender. Both of my parents are extremely hard workers, yet my mom receives a lower income compared to my dad and statistics have shown that if women wanted to ask for a raise from their boss they would be socially looked down upon for wanting equal treatment and pay. This is a form of powerlessness, which "…links to Marx's theory of socialism: some people "have" power while others "have-not""(Young 2). For example, Harriet Tubman freed many African Americans and wrote that she "would have freed thousands more, if they had known they were slaves"(Young 2), which connects back to how some women just settle for the lower wages because they feel that they have a job and that is enough as it is, but it is not. Women who feel that just having the same job as men and are receiving a lower income, are oppressing themselves and are just making it seem like it is perfectly reasonable to have a pay gap within our